May 4, 2020

Hello Students,

I hope everyone is healthy and enjoying extra time with families.  I am glad the weather is starting to be more enjoyable.  I have seen many of you outdoors enjoying the weather. 

Most students completed last week’s assignment, however, for those of you that did not, please complete last week’s assignment soon. Once the work is completed, please email me so I can go back to GoogleClassroom to correct the work.

This week we are going back to a Newsela article.  This will allow some of you to complete missing work as well.  Also, the science fair project is due on Friday.  Most of you have submitted it already.  Remember, that needs to be submitted to GoogleClassroom.  

The Newsela article is Stutting their STEM stuff . This article is about students taking their science fair projects to the White House.

Please continue to email me with questions and/concerns.  

Ms.  Duquette

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