Most Important Word- This strategy focuses the readers attention on the main ideas of the passage. This strategy is used during reading.
- Read selection (usually a paragraph or a short section of a chapter)
- Choose 3 words you feel are important to the selection.
- Next to EACH word write the reason the word was chosen.
- Circle the BEST word you chose.
- Write a 1-2 sentence summary of the selection.
DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL- This strategy is used during reading. This strategy helps students make connections to the reading.
- Read the selection or passage.
- On the left side of a T-chart write one of the following:
- main idea of the passage
- key idea
- important words
- On the right side of the T-chart, write one of the following:
- a connection to a science experiment
- an explanation or reaction about the reading
- what you may be confused about
- a question you may have
- a connection to your life, another reading, a book or movie
- what you are wondering about
THIEVES-This is a pre-reading strategy. Students use this strategy to preview the reading selection. This is much like seeing a movie trailer before seeing the movie. Students are to complete the following:
- T-Read the Title/Write what this reminds you of
- H-Read each Heading– Write an overview of the content
- I-Read the Introduction– Write how this relates to you
- E-Write Everything you know about this topic (3 Sentences)
- V– Read each Vocabulary word/ Look at each Visual, read each caption. Write about one visual
- E-Read the End of the Chapter questions
- S-Read the Summary
3-2-1 Reading Strategy-Use this strategy to help understand the most important parts of the science reading selection.
3 Write three science vocabulary words. Next to each word write why it is important to the article.
2 Write two interesting facts found in the article. Next to each fact explain why you picked the fact. Examples of reasons you may have picked the fact could be: the fact was interesting, creative, disgusting, entertaining, informative.
1 Write one summary of the article. Summary should be 4-6 sentences. The summary should include a topic sentence, details and a summary sentence.