Lazy 8 Breathing
What is it: Lazy 8 Breathing is a way to encourage self-regulation through controlled breathing. A student runs her or his finger along the shape of a horizontal 8 (infinity symbol). Start in the middle, slowly breathing in through one loop, and slowly breathing out through the other loop, and repeat.
This may be Calming when your student is upset, frustrated, or hyper.
This may be Alerting when your student is tired, lethargic, or unfocused.
Here is a PDF image to guide your student through Lazy 8 Breathing:
Posted in Helpful Links, Mindfulness, Sensory by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.
Try the Downward Dog Yoga Pose!
This yoga pose is great for stretching, mindful breathing, improving balance skills, building (arm, shoulder, trunk) muscles, and providing vestibular input.
Give it a try:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
Posted in Bilateral Coordination, Helpful Links, Mindfulness, Motor Planning, Sensory and tagged Yoga by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.
Monkey Stretches and Breathing
Follow along and copy the Monkey’s movements to practice peaceful stretching and breathing exercises. This will help reduce anxiety, and to improve coordination skills. I encourage families to join their students in these stretches. Practice healthy habits together!
Posted in Mindfulness and tagged breathing, Yoga by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.
Puffer Fish Breathing Exercise
Parents, try this breathing exercise with your child. Practicing slow and steady breathing helps us become mindful of our bodies, and helps calm anxiety. While this video is meant for children, adults may be surprised at the relief that can be found from breathing exercises during stressful times. Join your child and practice good habits together!
Posted in Mindfulness and tagged breathing by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.
OT & Play Time!
Play time is important for everyone! Play is the most natural way for students to engage in learning.
Here is a link to a video on the importance building Play into your daily routine
This link is directly from the AOTA, a trusted source. The AOTA or American Occupational Therapy Association is the Professional organization that helps set guidelines for OT services in the United States.
Posted in Bilateral Coordination, Handwriting, Helpful Links, Mindfulness, Motor Planning, Sensory, Typing, Visual Motor and tagged AOTA, play by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.
Enjoy A Yoga Adventure with Coco The Butterfly to Welcome Spring!
Cosmic Kids Yoga is a great YouTube channel that introduces Yoga and Mindfulness to children through engaging stories!
Encourage your student to follow along with the story and copy the movements, poses, and breathing exercises demonstrated. This will strengthen your child’s motor planning skills, bilateral coordination skills (using both sides of our body at once), and self-regulation skills.
Here is the link to the Coco The Butterfly Yoga video:
Posted in Bilateral Coordination, Blogs, Mindfulness, Motor Planning and tagged motor planning, self-regulation, spring, Yoga by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.
Pizza Breathing
Pizza breathing is a way to encourage slow and controlled breathing when a child is anxious, hyper, or upset.
How to do Pizza Breathing:
- Make a triangle with your fingers to make a slice of pizza or print and color a piece of pizza.
- “Smell the pizza” – slowly breathe in through your nose
- “Blow on the hot pizza” – slowly breathe out of your mouth
- Repeat at least 4 times

Posted in Blogs, Mindfulness and tagged breathing, mindfulness, pizza, self-regulation by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.