During stressful times, having a set routine can help to ease anxiety in children, teens, and adults. Below are some helpful resources to help guide you in setting specific routines within your daily routine.
- For Help Establishing Morning Routines:
- For Help Establishing Toileting Routines:
- For Help Establishing Bath Time Routines:
- For Help Establishing Bedtime Routines:
- For Help Establishing Mealtime Routines:
Posted in Blogs, Helpful Links and tagged anxiety, AOTA, routine by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.
OT & Play Time!
Play time is important for everyone! Play is the most natural way for students to engage in learning.
Here is a link to a video on the importance building Play into your daily routine
This link is directly from the AOTA, a trusted source. The AOTA or American Occupational Therapy Association is the Professional organization that helps set guidelines for OT services in the United States.
Posted in Bilateral Coordination, Handwriting, Helpful Links, Mindfulness, Motor Planning, Sensory, Typing, Visual Motor and tagged AOTA, play by Emily Dandron, OTRL with comments disabled.