Wednesday August 31, 2022

Today students discussed what good manners are at school. We discussed a book about manners in school and how to be a strong learner. Strong learners are prepared, arrive to school on time, help others, and are always respectful.

Students continued to read a story about the beach and added onto our writing about what they like to do at the beach.

For math, we started our first module. We used a strategy to count up from 5 (5+3=8, 5+2=7, 5+0=5, etc).

We also had so much fun in media with Mrs. Hansen!

Tomorrow’s Specials: Music & Art

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Pizza / Turkey & Cheese Wrap

*Reminder: Please return your emergency form if you have not already*

Please sign up for ClassDojo as well! (Your child can also create an account, letter sent home)

** Please send a picture of your family to display on our family wall! **

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