Today we discussed word work stations during Reading time. We practiced using the word work “games” and worked on word endings, word beginnings, and sounds & letters. We also continued finding mystery numbers in math, this time we looked for the missing total. Students enjoyed time with Mrs. Hansen in Computers/Media Center and continued to discuss internet and computer safety.
Today’s Practice: Pages 57 & 58 Math worksheet (use your 5-group cards & bracelet to help you) / try to log in to Zearn using your id # and password / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)
Today’s Spelling Practice: Consonants & Vowels. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.
Tomorrow’s Special: Art
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Macaroni & Cheese / Elvis Sandwich Wrap
*Remember this Friday is our Field Trip! Make sure you turned in your permission slip and money.