Monthly Archives: March 2018

Happy Tuesday.

Happy Tuesday.



  • Hey, Seniors… Get your class of 2018 t-shirts.  All shirts on sale during A and B lunch.  Last day to buy one is March 29th. 




  • Prom tickets on sale during A and B lunch.  $55 for a single ticket and $100 for a couples ticket.  Don’t miss out on this memorable moment!  Last day to buy is April 20th. Guest Pass applications available in the Student Office.




  • seniors, are you interested in some cash for college?
  • The D.E.F.F. 2018 Unity Scholarship for $600 is available.  The D.E.F.F. is a joint collaboration between the 3 high schools, Dearborn, Edsel Ford and Fordson. To be considered for this scholarship, the form must be submitted by April 17, 2018.  Please see your counselor for more information and an application. Good luck!




  • Seniors:  Applications for the Edsel Ford Booster Club Scholarship are available in the Counseling Office & Student Office, pick one up today, the deadline is April 20th.

  • PTSA Scholarship Applications are available to pick up in both the counseling office and the student office.  The deadline is April 11th.
  • Hello, the Link Crew is organizing the Strive for a Safer drive campaign again this year.  Students and teachers are invited to take part in 2 contests with cash prizes!!#1 Video Contest: should be 3-5 minutes long, have at least 3 statistics on the dangers of distracted drivingAim is to make an impactful PSA or short film that gets people to think about the dangers of drving distractedSubmit to Tara Haddad by Friday, April 13th-Prizes:  1st-$125, 2nd-$50, 3rd-$25 and video will be submitted to National competition #2  Poster contestDesign a graphic that will be turned into a poster and tshirt Graphic respresenting distracted driving Stat on the dangers of distracted drivingLogo or catchy saying about dsitracted driving Due to Tara Haddad by Friday, April 13th -Prizes: The winner will win $100.00 and have their design made into a tshirt and poster to be displayed all over the district! Any questions can be directed to Mrs Haddad or senior Zach Darkowski.  We hope you get involved!

  • The Michigan Community Service Commission is excited to launch the 2018 Michigan Youth Service Poster Contest!  This competition gives young artists the chance to gain state wide recognition for their talents, while also making an impact in their communities.  As the state’s lead agency on volunteerism, we believe that all Michigan residents can empower and strengthen their communities from an early age. Participation is open to all youth enrolled in grades K-12.  Participants are required to construct an original design that reflects the theme of volunteer advocacy. Global Youth Service Day is April 20, and will serve as the deadline for design submissions. Winning posters will be unveiled at the Govenor’s Service Awards on June 5, 2018 in Lansing!  Contest guidelines on the Michigan Community Service Commission website.


Attention students….please turn in your Advanced Placement exam order form and payment to counseling center secretary Mr. Eldridge by Wednesday, March 28th.”

There will be an Edsel Ford Football meeting WEDNESDAY MARCH 28th AFTER SCHOOL in the CAFETERIA. All student-athletes interested in playing or managing should attend. We will be providing information regarding the spring & summer schedules










What are you currently reading in SSR? How many pages are you reading a week?  Help your SSR class win a bagel and donut party to celebrate your success! Here’s how the competition works:

For the two week period of March 12-23rd, teachers will track how many pages are read by their SSR+ classes (in class only!) and complete a google doc form

that will be sent on the 23rd.  Class size will be taken into consideration, and the class with the highest average will win!  

In addition, a second contest will take place in the library each week during the same time period: 

2) Match the book to the reader! Visit the library beginning next week and pick up a matching form that asks you to match the teacher to the book he/she is currently reading.  Submit your completed form to the box on the library counter.  There will be several prizes such as gift cards/food awards, and a winner will be drawn for each week. Best of luck, and enjoy your reading!

Congratulations to your EFHS Business Professionals of America chapter members on their State Conference this weekend.  Riley Ketvirtis received a 4th place in the state for Economic Research Individual event AND Maya Moreau who placed 7th in her Prepared Speech in the state event in her event. 


  • Seniors, are you interested in some cash for college?


The D.E.F.F. 2018 Unity Scholarship for $600 is available.  The D.E.F.F. is a joint collaboration between the 3 high schools, Dearborn, Edsel Ford and Fordson. To be considered for this scholarship, the form must be submitted by April 17, 2018.  Please see your counselor for more information and an application. Good luck!


Attention Seniors:  Applications for the Edsel Ford Booster Club Scholarship are available in the Counseling Office & Student Office, pick one up today, the deadline is April 20th

PTSA Scholarship Applications are available to pick up in both the counseling office and the student office.  The deadline is April 11th.

Do you want to earn $500 this summer for painting a mural with fellow Dearborn Students? Seniors and Juniors can apply to join the POP Design Team. Please see Ms. Patroniti or Ms. Daly in the Art Hall for an application. Applications are due March 16th.

The EFHS Musicians are hosting the second annual Spaghetti Dinner on THIS Thursday, March 22. There will be outstanding performances by the band, orchestra, choir, and jazz band! Tickets are $10 or $5 for children 10 years and younger.Please see any band, orchestra or choir student to purchase.Th”ank you!”

Neon Night will be held on March 23 @ 7:00 pm. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, March 5th. TICKETS ARE $20.00. There will be no guest passes

REE SAT PRACTICE OPPORTUNITIESSaturday, March 17th – 11th graders – Paper/Pencil – 8:30 a.m.  – 12:30 p.m.  Sign up in counseling office.Wednesday, March 21st – Results of Practice test that was given on the 17th 6PM – 7PM in the Media CenterSaturday, March 24th – 11th graders – Khan Academy.  Sign up in the counseling office.  8:30am – 12:30pm.

Reminder:  All students must have their Edsel Ford High School ID with them during state wide testing.  If have lost or misplaced it, please see Mrs. Strong in the Attendance Office during lunch or after school.  The replacement cost of the ID is $5.


Attention students….please turn in your Advanced Placement exam order form and payment to counseling center secretary Mr. Eldridge by Wednesday, March 28th



  • Sophomore, Junior & Senior student-athletes please stop by Coach Macpherson’s room, A-204B or Coach Tyler’s room, C-3, and take a look at the lists posted outside their doors. If your name is on the list, please obtain a permission slip for the March is Reading Month Activity.”




  • “Attention students, the Michael Berry Center will be  open to students and parents for tours during high school parent conferences from 4PM to 7PM on Wednesday, March 21st, 2018.  The Michael Berry Center has programs in:  Culinary Arts, Design Technology and Computers, Health Sciences, and Business- Accounting, Marketing, Management, and Technology.”



With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function. It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque. If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.



  • The card marking ends next Friday, March 16 2018 




What are you currently reading in SSR? How many pages are you reading a week?  Help your SSR class win a bagel and donut party to celebrate your success! Here’s how the competition works:

1) For the two week period of March 12-23rd, teachers will track how many pages are read by their SSR+ classes (in class only!) and complete a google doc form that will be sent on the 23rd.  Class size will be taken into consideration, and the class with the highest average will win!  

In addition, a second contest will take place in the library each week during the same time period: 

2) Match the book to the reader!

Visit the library beginning next week and pick up a matching form that asks you to match the teacher to the book he/she is currently reading.  Submit your completed form to the box on the library counter.  There will be several prizes such as gift cards/food awards, and a winner will be drawn for each week.

Best of luck, and enjoy your reading!



  • Seniors:


If you are undecided about college and want to hear more about Henry Ford College, a rep will be here on Monday, March 12, 5th hour. You must sign up in the counseling office no later than this Friday, 2:15

Attention Seniors:  Applications for the Edsel Ford Booster Club Scholarship are available in the Counseling Office & Student Office, pick one up today, the deadline is April 20th.

PTSA Scholarship Applications are available to pick up in both the counseling office and the student office.  The deadline is April 11th.

Girls tennis will begin meeting daily starting on Monday March 12th @ 330p.



Weather permitting, they will meet at the tennis courts. Otherwise, meet in the hallway outside of the main gym.  

Baseball tryouts will be Monday March 12 at 4:30 in the main gym.You will need a valid sports physical to tryout on Monday.




Spring Sports Start Monday March 12th.  You will need a complete sports physical on file to tryout on that date.  See Mr. Picano for a physical form.



The winter sports banquet is Monday March 12th.  Please turn your forms into Mr. Picano by Friday March 9th.  You can pick up a form from your coach.



Attention girls interested in playing soccer this spring: Soccer tryouts start Monday March 12th from 4:30-6:30pm Make sure you have a completed physical on file or with you. You can not try out without a physical. Be prepared to be outside on the turf field.If you have a ball please bring one.



“Neon Night will be held on March 23 @ 7:00 pm. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, March 5th. TICKETS ARE $20.00. There will be no guest passes.


  • Calling All Marching Thunderbirds! There will be a meeting for all parents and students interested in the 2018 Marching Band season Monday, March 12 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Please come, get the information, and see what the band is all about!  




  • “The EFHS Musicians are hosting the second annual Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday, March 22. There will be outstanding performances by the band, orchestra, choir, and jazz band! Tickets are $10 or $5 for children 10 years and younger.Please see any band, orchestra or choir student to purchase.Thank you!



Do you want to earn $500 this summer for painting a mural with fellow Dearborn Students? Seniors and Juniors can apply to join the POP Design Team. Please see Ms. Patroniti or Ms. Daly in the Art Hall for an application. Applications are due March 16th. 




With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function. It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque. If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.




Saturday, March 17th – 11th graders – Paper/Pencil – 8:30 a.m.  – 12:30 p.m.  Sign up in counseling office.

Wednesday, March 21st – Results of Practice test that was given on the 17th

6PM – 7PM in the Media Center

Saturday, March 24th – 11th graders – Khan Academy.  Sign up in the counseling office.  8:30am – 12:30pm. 


Neon Night will be held on March 23 @ 7:00 pm. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, March 5th. TICKETS ARE $20.00. There will be no guest passes

Girls tennis will begin meeting daily starting on Monday March 12th @ 330p.



Weather permitting, they will meet at the tennis courts. Otherwise, meet in the hallway outside of the main gym.

Baseball tryouts will be Monday March 12 at 4:30 in the main gym.You will need a valid sports physical to tryout on Monday.




Spring Sports Start Monday March 12th.  You will need a complete sports physical on file to tryout on that date.  See Mr. Picano for a physical form.



The winter sports banquet is Monday March 12th.  Please turn your forms into Mr. Picano by Friday March 9th.  You can pick up a form from your coach.

Attention girls interested in playing soccer this spring: Soccer tryouts start Monday March 12th from 4:30-6:30pm Make sure you have a completed physical on file or with you. You can not try out without a physical. Be prepared to be outside on the turf field.If you have a ball please bring one.

Do you want to earn $500 this summer for painting a mural with fellow Dearborn Students? Seniors and Juniors can apply to join the POP Design Team. Please see Ms. Patroniti or Ms. Daly in the Art Hall for an application. Applications are due March 16th

Calling All Marching Thunderbirds! There will be a meeting for all parents and students interested in the 2018 Marching Band season Monday, March 12 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Please come, get the information, and see what the band is all about! 

“The EFHS Musicians are hosting the second annual Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday, March 22. There will be outstanding performances by the band, orchestra, choir, and jazz band! Tickets are $10 or $5 for children 10 years and younger.Please see any band, orchestra or choir student to purchase.Thank you!”


  • Seniors:


If you are undecided about college and want to hear more about Henry Ford College, a rep will be here on Monday, March 12, 5th hour. You must sign up in the counseling office no later than this Friday, 2:15.



Attention Seniors:  Applications for the Edsel Ford Booster Club Scholarship are available in the Counseling Office & Student Office, pick one up today, the deadline is April 20th.

PTSA Scholarship Applications are available to pick up in both the counseling office and the student office.  The deadline is April 11th.



  • With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function. It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque. If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.








Saturday, March 17th – 11th graders – Paper/Pencil – 8:30 a.m.  – 12:30 p.m.  Sign up in counseling office.
Wednesday, March 21st – Results of Practice test that was given on the 17th
6PM – 7PM in the Media Center
Saturday, March 24th – 11th graders – Khan Academy.  Sign up in the counseling office.  8:30am – 12:30pm. 


Baseball tryouts will be Monday March 12 at 4:30 in the main gym.You will need a valid sports physical to tryout on Monday.




Spring Sports Start Monday March 12th.  You will need a complete sports physical on file to tryout on that date.  See Mr. Picano for a physical form.



The winter sports banquet is Monday March 12th.  Please turn your forms into Mr. Picano by Friday March 9th.  You can pick up a form from your coach.



Attention Seniors:  Applications for the Edsel Ford Booster Club Scholarship are available in the Counseling Office & Student Office, pick one up today, the deadline is April 20th.


Attention girls interested in playing soccer this spring: Soccer tryouts start Monday March 12th from 4:30-6:30pm Make sure you have a completed physical on file or with you. You can not try out without a physical. Be prepared to be outside on the turf field.If you have a ball please bring one.


Calling All Marching Thunderbirds! There will be a meeting for all parents and students interested in the 2018 Marching Band season Monday, March 12 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Please come, get the information, and see what the band is all about! 


The EFHS Musicians are hosting the second annual Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday, March 22. There will be outstanding performances by the band, orchestra, choir, and jazz band! Tickets are $10 or $5 for children 10 years and younger.Please see any band, orchestra or choir student to purchase.Thank you!” 


There will be a chess club meeting TODAY, Wednesday in F-8 after school.

Neon Night will be held on March 23 @ 7:00 pm. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, March 5th. TICKETS ARE $20.00. There will be no guest passes.



  • PTSA Scholarship Applications are available to pick up in both the counseling office and the student office.  The deadline is April 11th.


Do you want to earn $500 this summer for painting a mural with fellow Dearborn Students? Seniors and Juniors can apply to join the POP Design Team. Please see Ms. Patroniti or Ms. Daly in the Art Hall for an application. Applications are due March 16th.







  • With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function. It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque. If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.










Congratulations to senior William Marano State Champ at 160 pounds in the individual wrestling tournament


There will be a chess club meeting this Wednesday in F-8 after school

Neon Night will be held on March 23 @ 7:00 pm. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, March 5th. TICKETS ARE $20.00. There will be no guest passes


Do you want to earn $500 this summer for painting a mural with fellow Dearborn Students? Seniors and Juniors can apply to join the POP Design Team. Please see Ms. Patroniti or Ms. Daly in the Art Hall for an application. Applications are due March 16th.


  • The winter sports banquet is Monday March 12th.  Please turn your forms into Mr. Picano by Friday March 9th.  You can pick up a form from your coach.




  • Spring Sports Start Monday March 12th.  You will need a complete sports physical on file to tryout on that date.  See Mr. Picano for a physical form.




  • With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function. It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque. If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.



  • Calling All Marching Thunderbirds! There will be a meeting for all parents and students interested in the 2018 Marching Band season Monday, March 12 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Please come, get the information, and see what the band is all about!  







  • “The EFHS Musicians are hosting the second annual Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday, March 22. There will be outstanding performances by the band, orchestra, choir, and jazz band! Tickets are $10 or $5 for children 10 years and younger.Please see any band, orchestra or choir student to purchase.Thank you!” 





MARCH 2 / 3 2018
Hello all teams attending the 2018 Southfield FRC District event,
As all teams in Michigan have noticed, there will be a large amount of snow falling this evening. Please be aware that if the school has a closing, we WILL still go on with the event.
Please drive safely and allow yourself extra time to arrive.
Thank you,
Volunteer Coordinator
2018 Southfield



MARCH 2 & 3 2018

8 A.M. – 8 P.M.

Southfield High School
24675 Lahser Road
Southfield, MI 48033 USA


Thank you to all students that purchased raffle tickets for Mr. Kotsogiannis’ parking spot during Charity Week. The three winners are:



For the month of March: Senior Zachary 

For the month of April: Marlene

For the month of May: Al

Neon Night will be held on March 23 @ 7:00 pm. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, March 5th. TICKETS ARE $20.00. There will be no guest passes


  • Do you want to earn $500 this summer for painting a mural with fellow Dearborn Students? Seniors and Juniors can apply to join the POP Design Team. Please see Ms. Patroniti or Ms. Daly in the Art Hall for an application. Applications are due March 16th. 



The class of 2019 is having a fundraiser at Brome this Friday, March 2nd, from 6-9 pm”

Time To Nominate Your Favorite Teacher!


  • It’s time for students to nominate their favorite Dearborn Public Schools teacher for the 2018 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Award, sponsored by the Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce, and presented by LaFontaine Automotive Group. The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, March 16, 2018 at 5:00 pm.


An on-line nomination form can be found directly at:

Printed nomination forms are also available and may be picked up at any Dearborn public school and the District’s Administration Office


With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function.  It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque.   If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.