Congratulations to senior William Marano State Champ at 160 pounds in the individual wrestling tournament


There will be a chess club meeting this Wednesday in F-8 after school

Neon Night will be held on March 23 @ 7:00 pm. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, March 5th. TICKETS ARE $20.00. There will be no guest passes


Do you want to earn $500 this summer for painting a mural with fellow Dearborn Students? Seniors and Juniors can apply to join the POP Design Team. Please see Ms. Patroniti or Ms. Daly in the Art Hall for an application. Applications are due March 16th.


  • The winter sports banquet is Monday March 12th.  Please turn your forms into Mr. Picano by Friday March 9th.  You can pick up a form from your coach.




  • Spring Sports Start Monday March 12th.  You will need a complete sports physical on file to tryout on that date.  See Mr. Picano for a physical form.




  • With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function. It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque. If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.



  • Calling All Marching Thunderbirds! There will be a meeting for all parents and students interested in the 2018 Marching Band season Monday, March 12 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Please come, get the information, and see what the band is all about!  







  • “The EFHS Musicians are hosting the second annual Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday, March 22. There will be outstanding performances by the band, orchestra, choir, and jazz band! Tickets are $10 or $5 for children 10 years and younger.Please see any band, orchestra or choir student to purchase.Thank you!” 



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