- Keeping a journal of your day
- Reading books, articles, newspapers and comic books
- Making slime
- Playing board games
- Playing trivia
- Art projects
- Make up missing work
- Call a friend
- Draw
- Clean and organize

- Go around the room and ask students to name foods, cities, countries, boys’ names, or girls’ names in A-B-C order. (Scholastic.com)
- Call out states and have them name the capital. Call out capitals and have them match it with the state. (Scholastic.com)
- Challenge students to write poems for the main character in a story they are reading, a topic they are studying, a favorite subject, or special interest. (Scholastic.com)
You can find more ideas from this link: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/classroom-activities-sponge-ideas-grades-6-8/
Link for the photo above : https://psychcentral.com/blog/why-we-like-to-keep-busy/