Welcome Back!

This year will be different, challenging and great. I can’t wait to see all my new students on Zoom Monday, August 31st . I will share information as it is given to me to keep all parents current.
We will have an orientation all next week with special times allotted to promote social distancing and keep everyone safe. I’m asking that only one parent come with your child for the time assigned to adhere to safety regulations. I will go over schoology , where student will view and turn in assignments. If you can’t attend this meeting, other arrangements can be made. Next, I will go over Zoom, our video conferencing device for students. Schedules will be given and virtual rules discussed. You will have a brief overview of our new Benchmark Universe literacy program and learning labs. Hopefully you will leave with some insight and information about the upcoming year.
I will be sending remind requests and calling to get scheduling times soon.
I can also be reached at nasralr@dearbornschools.org for any questions.

Parent Survey

Parents,  please fill out this short but very important survey concerning your feedback on returning to school in the fall.  Please, it is crucial that you take the time to answer the questions and leave your comments. Please press on the link below to start the survey.For translation assistance, parents may call 313-580-2532 Monday June 8th through Friday June 12th 8:30a.m. through 4:30p.m.
School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1 


الاهل الاعزاء،

الرجاء ملء هذا الاستطلاع القصير ولكن المهم جداٌ لرأيكم في إمكانية العودة الى المدرسة في الخريف المقبل. من المهم ان تأخذوا الوقت الكافي للإجابة على الأسئلة وترك تعليقاتكم.  يرجى الضغط على الرابط ادناه للإجابة.  للمساعدة في الترجمة ، يمكنم الاتصال بالرقم 3135802532 من الاثنين 8 يونيو إلى الجمعة 12 يونيو من 8:30 صباحًا حتى 4:30 مساءٌ.


Week 11 Assignments

Must Do: All assignments are on google classroom to turn in digitally, the assignments below are for your overview of the week’s work. Please visit classwork in google classroom for further instructions. Assignments are graded based on participation for the fourth cardmarking.

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
  • Readworks articles and questions
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)
  • Writer’s workshop
  • Eureka math homework on Google Classroom:

W.O.W (Work on Writing) Monday:

Our time together in second grade ended so soon, but we still had a lot of fun memories we can look back on. What is your favorite school year memory of second grade? 

See the source image


Next year you will be a third grader, describe your emotions. Are you excited, nervous, happy, or scared? 

See the source image


Yayy! School is almost out, what do you plan on doing with your family this summer? 

See the source image


Write a story about something that happened at school one day that you will remember for the rest of your life.

Writer’s Workshop: 

Letter writing to your third grade teacher.

Use the writing process to help you write a letter about your year in second grade. What fun things did you do, and what are some things you learned that you’ll never forget. 

Tuesday: Rough Draft

Wednesday: Edit

Thursday: Revise

Friday: Final Draft

Freckle Reading 

1. Breakfast Customs Around the World

2. Newish Clothes

Readworks http://www.readworks.org/student
 1. A camping trip

2. Honeybees

Week 10 Assignments

Must Do: All assignments are on google classroom to turn in digitally, the assignments below are for your overview of the week’s work. Please visit classwork in google classroom for further instructions. Assignments are graded based on participation for the fourth cardmarking.

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles class code: nasraw
  • Readworks articles and questions class code: 5G2XGG Password: 1234
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)
  • Writing workshop
  • Eureka math homework on Google Classroom:

Spelling practices for Week 10

  • Monday– write four times each
  • Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue
  • Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words
  • Thursday– alphabetical order
  • Friday– rainbow writing

Week 37: compound words

Word Bank: (no cold list – teach all)

  1. football 
  2. grandmother
  3. downstairs  
  4. playground
  5. sunshine 
  6. everyone
  7. bedroom
  8. anything
  9. someone  
  10. Something

W.O.W (Work on Writing)


Happy Eid Everyone! Tell me how you celebrated the Eid with your family? How was it the same and how was it different this year?


Travel back in time and tell me what is your favorite second grade memory?Give three reasons why this memory stood out to you the most


Say what you see! Use four or more sentences to describe what is happening in this picture? Give great details!

Writer’s Workshop: 

Letter writing to your third grade teacher.

Use the writing process to help you write a letter to your third grade teacher, include information you want your teacher to know about you and why you would make a great student.

Tuesday: Rough Draft

Wednesday: Edit

Thursday: Revise

Friday: Final Draft

After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..

Fiction books



Text  Type-


1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?

2. What is the problem in the story? 

3. How was the problem solved?

4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?

5.  This story reminds me of a time I ….

Nonfiction Books



Text  Type-


1. What is the main idea of this book?

2. The three facts I learned are….

3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the  meaning.

4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .

5. After reading this book I now know more about…..

Week 9-Assignments

All assignments are also on google classroom to turn in virtually.

Must Do: All assignments are on google classroom to turn in digitally, the assignments below are for your overview of the week’s work. Please visit classwork in google classroom for further instructions. All assignments are graded.

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)
  • Eureka math homework on Google Classroom: Lesson 14, 15, 16, and 17

Spelling practices for Week 9

  • Monday– write four times each
  • Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue
  • Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words
  • Thursday– alphabetical order
  • Friday– rainbow writing

Week 36:  Homophones

Word Bank: (no cold list – teach all)

  1. bear 
  2. bare
  3. sun  
  4. son
  5. write 
  6. right
  7. week
  8. weak
  9. hair   
  10. hare

W.O.W (Work on Writing)


Pretend that you keep a lock on a special box under your bed. What is in the box? Why did you put it in your box?


Describe a place you like to visit. Use details to help your reader see, hear, and feel the place you describe. 


If you can plan a field trip for your class, where would you choose to go and why? List at least three reasons. 


Eid is approaching! Describe three things you do on Eid. Why is Eid special to you and your family?

Writer’s Workshop: 

Use the writing process to write a narrative writing piece. Happy Memories. Write a story about one of your happiest memories. 

Monday: Brainstorm

Tuesday: Rough Draft

Wednesday: Edit

Thursday: Revise

Friday: Final Draft

Freckle Reading and Math (daily do teacher assigned one reading and one math everyday) CLASS CODE: nasraw

Readworks http://www.readworks.org/student

class code for readworks is 5G2XGG Password is 1234

  • Ant and Grasshopper
  • Enjoying the Outdoors
  • How Not to Save a Sandcastle
  • The Wishing Tree

Scholastic News Articles:https://scholasticnews.scholastic.com

  • Go to Grade 2
  • Log in
  • click on student
  • our class code is nasrallah109

After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..

Fiction books



Text  Type-


1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?

2. What is the problem in the story? 

3. How was the problem solved?

4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?

5.  This story reminds me of a time I ….

Nonfiction Books



Text  Type-


1. What is the main idea of this book?

2. The three facts I learned are….

3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the  meaning.

4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .

5. After reading this book I now know more about…..

Kindergarten Roundup

Lowrey Elementary 

Kindergarten Round-Up Invitation 

If you have an incoming Kindergarten student or know of a family with a child entering Kindergarten please share this information. 

Students should be 5 years old by September 1st. 

On Thursday, May 14th from 1:00pm-2:00pm in front of Lowrey we will be passing out enrollment information and supplies for incoming Kindergarten students only.   

Forms can also be found online on the Dearborn Public Schools site: https://dearbornschools.org/services/enroll/ 

Lowrey School Enrollment:

Zeina Olabi 313-693-6427


If you have any questions please contact Student Services at 313-495-4004.

Week 8 Assignments

All assignments are also on google classroom to turn in virtually.

Must Do: All assignments are on google classroom to turn in digitally, the assignments below are for your overview of the week’s work. Please visit classwork in google classroom for further instructions. 

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles Class code: nasraw
  • Readworks- Reading articles Class code: 5G2XGG Password: 1234
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)
  • Eureka Math-Google Classroom

Spelling practices for Week 8

  • Monday– write four times each
  • Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue
  • Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words
  • Thursday– alphabetical order
  • Friday– rainbow writing

Week 35:  Prefixes: re-, pre-, un-, dis- 

Word Bank: (Choose 5 hot words and 5 cold words)











W.O.W (Work on Writing)


Sunday, May 10th was Mother’s Day. How did you and your family celebrate your mother on Mother’s Day? 


Winner!!! Winner!!! Congratulations, you have just won an “All-Expense Paid Trip” to anywhere in the world. Where would you go and why? 


Hobbies are a way for people to relax. A hobby could be anything from collecting rocks, reading, cooking or walking. What are some hobbies you enjoy and why?


We don’t get to pick our names, our parents give us our names when we are born. Do you like the name your parents picked for you? Why or why not? If you think your name is a good fit for you, describe why you feel that way. If you don’t like your name, what name would you have liked to have instead and why? 

Writer’s Workshop: 

Use the writing process to write a narrative writing piece. Write a story about the first time you met your best friend. 

Monday: Brainstorm

Tuesday: Rough Draft

Wednesday: Edit

Thursday: Revise

Friday: Final Draft

After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..

Fiction books



Text  Type-


1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?

2. What is the problem in the story? 

3. How was the problem solved?

4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?

5.  This story reminds me of a time I ….

Nonfiction Books



Text  Type-


1. What is the main idea of this book?

2. The three facts I learned are….

3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the  meaning.

4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is ……..

Week 7- Assignments

Must Do: All assignments are on google classroom to turn in digitally, the assignments below are for your overview of the week’s work. Please visit classwork in google classroom for further instructions. 

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)

Spelling practices for Week 7

  • Monday– write four times each
  • Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue
  • Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words
  • Thursday– alphabetical order
  • Friday– rainbow writing
  1. Hid
  2. Stood
  3. Went
  4. Told
  5. Wrote
  6. Made
  7. Spoke
  8. Gone
  9. Sold
  10. Began 

Work on Writing


You are going on a trip, but can only take 5 items with you. Which items would you pick? Why did you pick those items?


Would you rather ride rollercoasters or waterslides? Give me three reasons why?


Tell me the story about how your parents chose your name? Was it passed down from family tradition, religion, culture, location, or pop culture?


Would you rather live on a farm or in a city? Why?

Writer’s Workshop (Assignment)

Informational Writing- Write about the stages of the plant cycle.What are the parts of a plant and how does it function for the plant. This should be three paragraphs with an introduction, the second paragraph with the body part of a plant with it’s function, and lastly the conclusion of why plants are so important to us. Below is a diagram of a plant and with its parts and functions to use for reference. 

See the source image
See the source image
See the source image

Freckle- class code: nasraw

Readworks http://www.readworks.org/student

Class code- 5G2XGG

Password- 1234

My Bean Plant

An Adventure in Africa


What is a Bird?

All About Money

Scholastic News Articles:https://scholasticnews.scholastic.com

  • Go to Grade 2
  • Log in
  • click on student
  • our class code is nasrallah109

After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..

Fiction books



Text  Type-


1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?

2. What is the problem in the story? 

3. How was the problem solved?

4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?

5.  This story reminds me of a time I ….

Nonfiction Books



Text  Type-


1. What is the main idea of this book?

2. The three facts I learned are….

3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the  meaning.

4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .

5. After reading this book I now know more about…..

Week 5

Must Do: All assignments are on google classroom to turn in digitally, the assignments below are for your overview of the weeks work. Please visit classwork in google classroom for further instructions. 

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)

Spelling practices for Week 5

  • Monday– write four times each
  • Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue
  • Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words
  • Thursday– alphabetical order
  • Friday– rainbow writing
  1. bigger
  2. biggest 
  3. faster
  4. fastest
  5. liked
  6. liking
  7. looked
  8. looking 
  9. talked 
  10. talking

Work on Writing


Describe how you would draw a map of your bedroom. What symbols would you use on your key?


In your opinion, should children be allowed to have cell phones? Support your opinion with at least three reasons. 


Write an all about paragraph describing  ways to help care for our planet Earth in honor of Earth Day. List at least four ways. 


In your opinion, should children wear helmets when riding a bike? Support your opinion with at least three reasons. 

Freckle Reading and Math


CLASS CODE: nasraw

Reading Articles
1. Best of the Best
2. Superhero Friends Forever

Math Assignments
1. Base 10- At your level
2. Addition, Multiplication, and Subtraction
3. Number Facts – At your level
4. Operations & Algebraic Thinking – Parity Basics


  • Save Your Paper, Help Earth
  • Recycling
  • A Day to Celebrate Earth
  • Take Care of Our Planet 

Scholastic News Articles:https://scholasticnews.scholastic.com

  • Go to Grade 2
  • Log in
  • click on student
  • our class code is Mokdad

After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..

Fiction books



Text  Type-


1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?

2. What is the problem in the story? 

3. How was the problem solved?

4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?

5.  This story reminds me of a time I ….

Nonfiction Books



Text  Type-


1. What is the main idea of this book?

2. The three facts I learned are….

3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the  meaning.

4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .

5. After reading this book I now know more about…..

Writer’s Workshop (Assignment)

Opinion Piece: Should kids wear helmets when riding a bike? Why or why not.