Week 4 Online Learning (April 13-April 17)

Welcome Back: Hope everyone had a relaxing Spring Break!

Must Do:

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)

Freckle Reading and Writing assignments 

MondayReading – A Little More CarefuMath: #24

TuesdayReading – In Great Shape Math#45

WednesdayReading – The Trail of Tears Math#67

ThursdayReading – Chef Math#12

Week 3 Spelling -(Monday– write four times each, Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue, Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words, Thursday– alphabetic order, and Friday– rainbow writing. 

Spelling (Irregular Plural Nouns)

  1. Woman
  2. Women
  3. Goose 
  4. Geese
  5. Mouse 
  6. Mice
  7. Man
  8. Men
  9. Foot 
  10. Feet

Work on Writing 


Compare what it is like having school from home and school in a classroom. Think about the positive and negative aspects of both. Which do you prefer and why?


What is your favorite game/activity that you are doing at home during the quarantine that you did not do as much in the past, ex. Puzzles, baking, cooking, reading, watching TV… Describe why it is your favorite. 


Adjectives are describing words. We use adjectives so others can get a better picture of the things we are describing. Pick a family member and use adjectives to describe them. Describe all the things that make them special.


Write a letter to the friend you miss the most from class. Tell them why you miss them so much. 


Heads up/Seven up…Hot Potato…Little Sally Walker… Red Light/Green Light…Musical Chairs 

Which game that we play in school is your favorite? Why is it your favorite? 

After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..

Fiction Books:

Text  Type-

1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?
2. What is the problem in the story? 
3. How was the problem solved?
4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?
5.  This story reminds me of a time I ….

Nonfiction Books:

Text  Type-
1. What is the main idea of this book?
2. The three facts I learned are….
3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the  meaning.
4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .
5. After reading this book I now know more about…..

Writer’s Workshop (1 Week Assignment)

Opinion Piece: Should schools stop letting students celebrate birthdays in school? Why or why not? 

The links below are great resources for reading:

Scholastic News Articles:


  • Go to Grade 2
  • Log in
  • click on student
  • our class code is nasrallah107



  • Students enter class code: 5G2XGG
  • Find your name
  • your password is: 1234

Week 3 Lessons

Must Do:

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)

Freckle Reading, Writing and Math assignments 

Monday- The Nobel Prize 

#80 – Operations & Algebraic Thinking – Addition/Subtraction Within 100: Word Problems

Tuesday- Lunar New Year 

#95 – Operations & Algebraic Thinking – Solve for Unknowns

Wednesday- Hip Hop 

#10 – Operations & Algebraic Thinking – Mental Addition/Subtraction Within 20

Thursday- The Tri-State Tornado 

#53 – Financial Literacy – At your level

Week 2 Spelling -(Monday– write four times each, Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue, Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words, Thursday– alphabetic order, and Friday– rainbow writing. 

Spelling (plurals x,h,es)

Work on Writing


Spring is here! If you were to look outside how does Spring look differently than Winter? 

Spring in Germany Weather, What to Pack, and What to See

We left school so quickly due to the coronavirus, but if I had a chance to say a few things to my teacher, this is what I would say…

Compare and contract  using a venn diagram two family members.

If you could meet any character from your book , who would you meet and why?

Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat? Give three reasons why?

After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..

Fiction books:

Text  Type-

1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?
2. What is the problem in the story? 
3. How was the problem solved?
4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?
5.  This story reminds me of a time I ….

Nonfiction books:

Text  Type-
1. What is the main idea of this book?
2. The three facts I learned are….
3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the  meaning.
4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .
5. After reading this book I now know more about…..

Writer’s Workshop (1 Week Assignment)

Animal research project , pick an animal and follow the format below on how to list the information. Have fun with this project, use the internet , books, magazines etc…

I will be sending individual accounts for Kids A-Z. This is a great resource with many different types of books students can read and answer questions.

Week 2

Must Do:

  • spelling assignments 
  • 30 minutes reading DAILY
  • Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
  • Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)

Freckle- Reading and Math assignments

Monday- Solutions to Climate Change

#80 – Operations & Algebraic Thinking – Sum in Matrix

Tuesday- Home Sweet Home

#75 – Geometry – At your level

Wednesday- Camouflage

#19 – Measurement & Data – At your level

Thursday- Promises.

#72 – Base 10 – At your level

Week 2 Spelling -(Monday– write four times each, Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue, Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words, Thursday– alphabetic order, and Friday– rainbow writing. 

Week 2: Contractions

  • didn’t          
  • can’t
  • they’ve       
  • we’ve
  • she’ll        
  • we’ll
  • he’s             
  • she’s
  • wouldn’t    
  • couldn’t  

Work on Writing


Describe your favorite season (fall, spring, summer, or winter). Describe 3 things you like to do during that season. 


“Pizza is the best food in the whole wide world!” Is this statement a fact or an opinion? How do you know?

Water, food and shelter are the basic needs that all humans need to survive. Describe why each one of these things is important for living. Give 2 reasons for each of our basic needs.

Compare and contrast. In what ways are humans and animals alike? In what ways are they different?


How are you feeling about being at home instead of school because of the coronavirus? Do you wish we were back in school together learning or do you enjoy being home? 

The links below are great resources for reading:

Scholastic News Articles:


  • Go to Grade 2
  • Log in
  • click on student
  • our class code is nasrallah107



  • Students enter class code: 5G2XGG
  • Find your name
  • your password is: 1234

Below are Fiction and Non-Fiction comprehension questions students should answer after reading each book from their reading bag. They must choose 3 questions per book to answer. 

Non-Fiction Questions

1 Write 3 facts you learned from this book.2 What is the most interesting thing that you learned?3 Who do you think would be interested in the book you read? Explain why….
4 What was the author’s purpose? Explain how you know.5 Find a heading in your book. Tell me what page it is on and write what the heading is teaching us about.6 Choose 4 vocabulary words from your text. With each word: Describe it, illustrate it, and use it in a sentence.
7 What are 2 questions you still have about this topic?8 With an adult, do some online research about your topic and write 2 NEW facts your learned (that were NOT in your book).9 Write a connection that you have with this topic. Why are you interested in this topic and what else are you still wondering?


1 Do a picture walk of your story. Write down your prediction for what you think will happen.  2 What is the problem and solution of your book?3 What is the author’s purpose for writing this story? How do you know? -Persuade -Inform -Entertain  
4 What is the main idea of this story? What do you think the author wanted you to learn?5 Retell the story: First… Next… Then… Last…6 Did this story remind you of anything? Write down your connection and tell me what kind of connection it is.
7 Write 3 new or interesting words from your story and write their definition.8 How do you think the main character felt in this story and why?9 Draw a picture of your favorite part of the story and write 3 sentences about it.

Food Distribution

Free Food Distribution
for Households with Children

[South parking lot]
Dearborn’s Ford Community & Performing Arts Center
Monday, March 23 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Helping Our Community During Urgent Times of Need Households with children who are in need of food are encouraged to attend our upcoming drive-thru food distribution, sponsored by Gleaners Community Food Bank.
Please stay in your vehicle to limit exposure.  Groceries will be placed into your trunk or back seat.
Guests without vehicles are welcome to walk up, but should be prepared to carry 20-30 pounds or have a cart.
Together with Gleaners Community Food Bank, we are taking all necessary precautions to distribute food safely.


Dear parents,

Lowrey School will be distributing Chromebooks to families in order to support their child’s remote Learning. Each Chromebook was checked and cleaned by admin and personnel to ensure that they are safe to be used. Please note that chromebooks need a working internet connection.   If your family does not have a working computer and is in need of a chromebook then please come to Lowrey’s main doors, tomorrow Thursday March 19th between times of 11:30am to 3pm. 
 One chromebook per household!
 All parents will need to sign a consent form to insure chromebooks will be returned in the same condition they were given. All parents and students are responsible for the chromebooks. They must be returned once students return to school. 


To stay connected I have created a remind account.
Here are some ways to get Remind:

You can send a text to 81010 texting this message @nasral

Download the Remind App from your phone and select join a class. The class code is @nasral.

Below is the link https://www.remind.com/join/nasral
please email me if you have any questions.
Thank you!