April 13, 2020

Monday 4/13- Post Lesson Recap

Great lesson today, guys! I noticed many students signed in late. Please be sure you complete the NEW 4/13 EXIT TICKET in Google Classroom by 8pm TONIGHT to let me know that you attended.

We talked about Khan and IXL that go with this lesson. Most of you have already completed Lesson 16 on iReady.

IXL: Section Y, Section E, Section T, and Section Z all have to do with this material. Specifically: Y1 through Y8, E12, T10, & Z3-New!

Khan: Check your Khan for the new assignments for this week. These have already been assigned in the past and are review, so you should be able to complete them without any issues. Watch the videos for more help.

If you or someone you know does not have computer access or internet access, please let me know ASAP!! I will get in touch with someone who can help them.

Monday: 4/13 *Back from Break*

Video Lesson today at 3pm. Let your classmates know. Be on time, mute your microphones. Students that refuse to follow directions will be removed. Code will be posted to the Google Hangout Chat at 2:55.

Second Hour Students: Your Google Hangout Chat has been deleted, due to several students refusing to follow my simple directions that the Chat was only to be used to ask ME questions. From now on, your information for the Video Lesson will be posted to Google Classroom at 2:55.

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