Snow will be offering an 8 week Summer Academic and Enrichment Program. There are two options for enrollment a 9am-2pm and a 9am-5pm time slot. Snow is planning a robust and innovative summer school to create an extremely impactful program. As of now, the programming is set to be an opportunity for learning loss recovery and additional growth. A typical day may include Gardening and/or Mindfulness, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Engineering (coding, robotix, etc), Lunch and PE. What is designed will be structured and of high value. More information will be forthcoming as we get closer to the end of the school year.
Category Archives: Class News
Picture Order Forms
Hello, Picture order forms are in their folder. Pictures will be taken the week we return from the Eid Holiday.
iReady Competion
Snow Wolves,
We only have 8 more weeks of school and to finish strong we are having an iReady competition!
Each week the top 5 students with the most minutes will be entered into a drawing for a gift card to Custard Co. on Monroe Street. The Custard Company donated $5 gift card for prizes
The competition begins Monday 4/26/21
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This Week is all Virtual Learning
Happy Easter! I wanted to give you an advance notice incase you need to make arrangements…classes will be all virtual this week April 6th-9th. I believe I told group B students to leave their math books at school because I’d “see” them on Tuesday, so don’t worry if they don’t have their math books, we will make do using our good ol’ whiteboards. Also, Group A did not receive their packets so don’t worry about those either. I believe we will be starting at 8:40am and going until 2:20pm, but won’t know for sure until tomorrow. I will keep you posted.
سوف تستأنف مدارس ديربورن الرسمية الدراسة في األسبوع
القادم ولكن انالين وذلك من أبريل ٦ -٩ الشهر. لن يكون هناك
اي دراسة من داخل المدرسة أو وجها لوجه في األسبوع القادم.
سوف يتم التعليم انالين فقط
Parent Survey
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Snow Elementary is using this Parent Survey as a means to elicit your beliefs and opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective. Your opinion is important to us, and we ask that you take the time to complete this form. The online survey will be available from March 15-March 26 . In order to complete the survey, please click on this link:
Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous and your honest opinions are appreciated. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact your school principal. Thank you in advance for supporting our improvement efforts.
Your cooperation and support in completing the parent survey will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely,
PrincipalMohammad Abdelfattah
This Week
Hello, this week will be our first week where the students will come 2 days a week! So just look at the schedule on the back of their folder and follow it. It is also available in schoology. Wednesday will be the only day they ZOOM all day. 8:40-2:30
Friday is a half day with dismissal at 12:45pm, so that only impacts group B.
Send students with last week’s packet (week 2) and this week’s packet.
They need their unit 7 Past, Present, and Future, book and any social studies and/or writing notebooks. Also, make sure they have their Leader in Me work in their blue folder as well.
Students will need to bring a shoe box or other box, to school on Monday and Tuesday so they can build their Leprechaun Traps, which will be supporting science standards. I have the other supplies they will need, however if you have some Elmer’s glue or tape you can send it with them. I do have some of both, but just in case, extra would be good.
They do not need to bring computers anymore, we have some to use in school now.
Next week’s schedule will be the same as this week. Monday A group will come to the school at 9:40 and B group will zoom with me at 8:40. Tuesday B group will come to school at 9:40 and A group will zoom with me at 8:40 then Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be all Zoom days with me beginning at 8:40 for both groups.
March is Reading Month
Click on the link below to check out our Reading Activities
Exit and Entry Door Procedures
Ms. Alsaad has made a video presentation if you need clarification on drop off and pick up.
It’s in English and Arabic.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Please click on the link below from Mr. Abdelfattah for arrival and dismissal procedures. These are for learning labs and the rest of the school year. Brief Summary: Details for inclement weather can be found by clicking on the link.
-Line up on blacktop on Culver side of building.
-Parents are not allowed to enter the building due to Covid-19
-If you need to speak to the office in person during drop off or pick, you have to set up an appointment in advance.
You can also find this information in the Monday Button on Schoology.