Who is Mrs. Guido?

 In Unis Middle School, 8th graders were sad to see the departure of Mrs. Anderson.  Our beloved Language Arts and Social Studies teacher, who has been on leave since surgery on her foot.

However, Mrs. Anderson has left a long-term substitute teacher, Mrs. Guido to take her place.  She has some large shoes to fill. Mrs. Anderson is known for her intense structure and her desire to promote student perfection.“She’s a great teacher,” Guido has said of Mrs. Anderson. “She’s very dedicated to her students.”

Before substituting for Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Guido taught second grade at McCollough Elementary, which happens to be part of the joint elementary/ middle school building  we have here at Unis.  Mrs. Guido stated, “I came to substitute at Unis to gain experience teaching students of all ages in the field of education.”  After teaching here, Mrs. Guido siad she would like to continue her Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education. Although she loves teaching, she would hope to one day be working with young children in a daycare.

But this may not be the last we see of Mrs. Guido. When asked if she would like to come back, Mrs.Guido responded, “If given the opportunity, I would definitely come back to Unis.”

Nada Jaafer

Middle School Journalist


      • I love your story. I know who Ms. Guido is because for leadership, we tutored the elementary kids and I had Ms. Bescoe’s class. When Ms. Bescoe left to have her baby, Ms. Guido became the second grade class’ long-term substitute. When you said she would love to teach younger students, that reminded me of how she looked happy teaching Ms. Bescoe’s second grade class. However, you were correct when you said that She has big shoes to fill in for Ms. Anderson. Ms. Anderson is a hard-working teacher, who always has a plan of what she wants to do. Well written story.

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