Survey to complete
Good morning, our district is asking all parents to complete this survey about remote learning. If you could please take a few minutes to complete this as to help us […]
HFES Support Services
Good morning, our district is asking all parents to complete this survey about remote learning. If you could please take a few minutes to complete this as to help us […]
Yoga poses has helped our students control their fears, and worries. It promotes being calm. Here are some neat yoga poses that our elementary students can do! The Cat pose […]
Lets take a moment to appreciate our wonderful speech and language pathologists here at Henry Ford Elementary, Mary Elaswad and Danielle Macari! Both of our speech pathologists work very hard […]
Storyline Online is a great resource to find free books being read to your child! This site offers videos of celebrities reading many different children’s books. You can find them on […]
Enrollment Process 2020-2021 معلومات عن كيفية تسجيل الطلاب للعام الدراسي ٢٠٢٠-٢٠٢١
Our school buildings are closed but the learning continues. As our teachers continue to work from home so too does the administration. General information: 313-827-3006 or Social emotional hotline – 313-827-8500or Tech support – 313-827-8400 Human […]
Free to those that do not have insurance or access to care The C-ASIST team is happy to announce that our Telehealth services are available for free to any individual […]
This resource may help some of our younger students understand what the Coronavirus is and how they can stay safe and healthy. English Version:
STAY CALM, LISTEN, AND OFFER REASSURANCE Be a role model. Children will react to and follow your reactions. They learn from your example. Be aware of how you talk about COVID-19. Your […]
There will be a Free Food Distribution for households with children on Monday, April 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the south parking lot at the Ford Community & […]