Special Education Evaluation Process

If you feel that your child may have a disability please reach out to the special education team at Henry Ford Elementary School. You can contact the main office at (313) 827-4700 and please ask to be connected to a member of the special education team.

We work with a variety of students ranging from three years old through the fifth grade. Please contact us if you believe your child may have speech and language delays, gross or fine motor concerns, academic concerns, or has a medical condition that impacts their ability to learn within the classroom.

Upon contacting us we will set up a meeting with you and discuss your concerns.

What is a Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED)?

A REED meeting is where the members of the special education team, you, and the classroom teacher discuss all the relevant data surrounding your child. This can include, but not limited to medical diagnosis, outside evaluations, or school assessments. At this time we will discuss the evaluation plan, who is involved and the suspected area of disability is. We will also provide you with the Procedural Safeguards and listed parent resources available in English, Arabic and Spanish. Please see the link below.

English: https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1577120923/resanet/tbquqhnu05zmmt3hq6dr/procedural_safeguards_sy2017.pdf



Spanish :


All evaluations can take up to 30 school days, meaning any snow days or days not in school do not count into the time line as we gather data and make eligibility recommendations.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.