COVID-19 Remote Learning Plan

Speech and Language Parents,

Due to the COVID-19 shut-down of the schools, here are some resources and activities that we will be using to ensure that learning is continuing at this time. Please take care of your family, we are hoping everyone stays healthy and that this passes quickly.

Here are the ways we will stay in communication:


Ms. Grammel:
Please subscribe to email updates so you know when new things are added to the blog.


Ms. Grammel:

Due to copyright reasons, I am sharing some resources through email (Practice Calendars and Practice Sheets) rather than posting them on the blog.   I am using the email addresses that are in the MISTAR system.  

If you have not been receiving these emails or would like them to go to a different email address, please fill out this survey and indicate your preferred email address. 

  • At-Home Practice Calendars:
    • I am sharing a practice calendar for Articulation, Fluency, and Language skills at the beginning of each month.  These have ideas for quick, daily activities to practice these skills. Most activities would take less than 5 minutes per day
  • At-Home Practice Sheets:
    • I am sharing practice sheets for Articulation, Fluency, and Language skills at the beginning of each week.   These can be done once a week.

Which Activities to Focus On:

I have students working on a variety of skills.  Some of the activities I share may not relate to your child’s goals.  If you are wondering which activities to focus on, please follow this as a guide:

  • Speech Sounds – Articulation & PhonologyIf your child is working on saying specific speech sounds, please focus on the activities marked “Articulation.”  Practice the activities with words with your sounds. You can use words from the sound lists I emailed, or make up your own list.
  • LanguageIf your child is working on increasing their language skills, please focus on the activities marked “Language.”  Some activities will be labeled with suggested grades: Preschool, Lower Elementary (Kindergarten-2nd Grade), or Upper Elementary (3rd-5th Grade).   
  • Fluency – Stuttering:  If your child stutters and is learning strategies and techniques to speak fluently, please focus on activities marked “Fluency – Stuttering.”

Thank you, 
Ms. Grammel