PreK – 1st Language

Reading and talking about books is a great way to support language skills.

Get ready to read the story by thinking about what you already know about fish and sharing:

– What are some kinds of fish that you know? Can you describe them?
– What facts do you know about fish?  
– Why is it nice to share?
– How does it make us feel if a friend doesn’t share with us?
– Why is it sometimes hard to share?

After the story go through these questions:
– Who are the characters in the story?
– Where does the story take place? This is called the setting.
– What happened at the beginning of the story?
– What was the problem? How did this make the characters feel?
– How was this problem solved? How did the characters feel now?
– How does the story end?

Can you retell the story?

PreK-2nd Grade: Language –

Reading and talking about books is a great way to support language skills.  

Before you watch the video, please talk with your family about pets.  
– Can you name 3 different kinds of pets?
– What are some things people have to do to take care of pets?
– This story is called “Harry the Dirty Dog.” What do you think will happen in the story?

Watch the video:

After you watch it, talk about the story with your family.
– Who were the characters?
– Why did Harry hide the scrubbing brush?
– Where did Harry hide the brush?
– How did Harry get so dirty?
– What happened at the end of the story?

Online Reading Opportunities

Check out some digital books, audiobooks, and magazines online. Many of these websites are offering free access to their content in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Check out some books or audiobooks:
Epic! – digital library
Storyline Online – videos of children’s books read by celebrities
Audible Stories – audible books available for streaming
Scholastic Kids – online books and games

Or, check out some magazines online:
* Highlights Kids
* National Geographic Kids
* TIME for Kids
* Ranger Rick

Online Books

Epic! Digital Library
Storyline Online
Audible Stories


Highlights Kids
National Geographic KIDS
TIME for Kids
Ranger Rick Magazine