June 8th

Hello Students and Parents,

All work has been corrected and entered into the gradebook at this time. All missing work can be completed and turned in before noon tomorrow. Students must email me to let me know work has been turned in late. I will then correct the work and enter it in the gradebook.

The PTA is doing a fundraiser. They are selling BRYANT masks to be worn during this pandemic. The website to purchase these are: https://bryantmiddleschoolmasks.itemorder.com/

Dearborn Public Schools needs input on the way school should open next school year. Please use the following link to give feedback: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelcXLATfAiOV63sOZ6zn8dHqcShK0w2vlvKIM9U9nuK3pd3w/viewform

Report Grades will be submitted by Thursday. After that, the office will be sending the report cards to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.

Students, you need to continue to learn over the summer break. You should read, watch educational videos, learn something new and review what you learned this year. We do not want you to fall behind.

Please be safe and have an enjoyable summer.

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