Let’s Practice the Pre-Writing Shapes!

The Pre-Writing Shapes are typically mastered in this order:

  • Vertical line
  • Horizontal line
  • Circle
  • Cross
  • Square
  • Diagonal line /
  • Diagonal line \
  • X
  • Triangle

Tips for practicing the pre-writing shapes with correct formation:

  • Always start from the “TOP TOP TOP” (this is a phrase I use with many of my students)
  • Always move from the Left to the Right
  • Add a sound when making strokes to encourage engagement (I use “SHOOP!” with many of my students, as well as “CIRCLE…..STOP!” and “DOWN and ACROSS”)
  • Practicing on a vertical surface helps to develop muscles in the arm needed for better handwriting skills
  • Use small writing utensils – small piece of chalk, broken crayon, small pencil, small marker. Using small writing utensils encourages students to use a developmentally appropriate pencil grasp
  • Remind your students to use their “Helper Hand” to hold their paper still as they write
  • Have fun! It is important that students enjoy these activities or they will grow to dislike all writing activities.

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