Wednesday April 13, 2022

Today’s Practice: Math Practice pages 129-132 / Zearn / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Building Words. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Specials: Music / Library / Gym

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Cheese Pizza / Tuna Salad

**** Conference Schedule For Tonight ****

Conference Schedule

*No School Friday April 15th

Tuesday April 12, 2022

Today’s Practice: Math practice pages 123-128/ Zearn / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Consonants & Vowels . Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Special: Art

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Halal Chicken Nuggets / Zatar Pita and Hummus

*Tomorrow is a Late Start. School starts at 9:55am (pick up at 3:55)

Wednesday April 6, 2022

Today’s Practice: Math Practice pages 117-120 / Zearn / Benchmark / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Building Words. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Specials: Gym

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Cheese Pizza / Vegetable Sub Sandwich

*Friday’s Spirit Day: Detroit Tigers (Wear a detroit tigers shirt or dress in orange and blue)

*Math Assessment Next Monday (Study guide going home on Friday)

Tuesday April 5, 2022

Today’s Practice: Math practice pages 113-116/ Zearn / Benchmark / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Consonants & Vowels . Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Special: Art

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Halal Popcorn Chicken / Turkey & Cheese Sub

Dearborn Art Show! (Featuring Oakman Students)

APRIL 5, 2022 4:30pm-7pm

Location & Hours:
15801 Michigan Ave.
DEARBORN, Michigan 48126

Monday – Closed
Tuesday – 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Wednesday – 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Thursday – 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Friday – 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Saturday – 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Sunday – Closed

Monday April 4, 2022

Today’s Practice: Pages 109-112 Math Practice / Zearn / Benchmark / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Rainbow Words. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Special: Media Center

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Halal Hotdog / Hummus & Pita Bread

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