Tuesday January 18, 2022

Tomorrow we will be doing our NWEA reading test. Please make sure students are on time, fed a healthy breakfast, and have had a good night’s rest.

Today’s Practice: Math practice pages 297-303 / Zearn / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Consonants & Vowels . Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Special: Art

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Cheesy Spaghetti / Halal Chicken Tenders

*For students who are absent more than one day: please check schoology for your math, reading, and writing assignments.

Friday January 14, 2022

Today’s Practice: Math Practice Worksheet pages 289-295 / Zearn / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Practice your new words. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.


Tuesday’s Special: Media Center

Tuesday’s Lunch: Cheese Quesadilla / Pretzel rods & cheese

*For students who are absent more than one day: please check schoology for your math, reading, and writing assignments.

Next Week Spelling:

Pattern: S-blends (scr, spl, spr, squ, str)











**NWEA Reading will be Wednesday January 19th!**

Wednesday January 12, 2022

Today’s Practice: Pages 285-288 Math Worksheet/ Zearn / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Building Words. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Specials: Gym

*Tomorrow is our Field Trip: Please bring a healthy disposable lunch

*For students who are absent more than one day: please check Schoology for your math, reading, and writing assignments.

Tuesday January 11, 2022

Today’s Practice: Zearn for 20 minutes (We start Module 3 on Measurement tomorrow)/ Benchmark / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Consonants & Vowels . Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Special: Art

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Zaatar & Hummus with Veggies / Halal Meatball Alfredo Sub

*For students who are absent more than one day: please check schoology for your math, reading, and writing assignments.

Oakman Announcement

Greetings Oakman Families,

Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to help us keep our schools open. As we navigate through this period of time with spiked infection rates, we’d like to gently remind you to keep your child at home if and when you observe any symptoms. Covid, common cold and the seasonal flu have many common symptoms so we ask you to keep the child home until the symptoms clear. Also, if you take your child for Covid testing, please keep your child home till the results come back and you have proof the child has tested negative. 

We truly appreciate your cooperation and support as we strive to keep all of our students, staff, and families safe.

Best Regards,

Mahmoud Abu-Rus

تحياتي عائلات أوكمان

شكرًا لكم على كل العمل الشاق الذي تقومون به لمساعدتنا في إبقاء مدارسنا مفتوحة.  بينما ننتقل خلال هذه الفترة الزمنية مع معدلات الإصابة المرتفعة ، نود أن نذكركم بلطف بإبقاء طفلكم في المنزل إذا لاحظت أي أعراض مرضية.  هناك العديد من الأعراض الشائعة لفيروس كوفيد ونزلات البرد والإنفلونزا الموسمية ، لذا نطلب منك إبقاء الطفل في المنزل حتى تتضح الأعراض ويصبح الطفل 

أفضل .

  ،Covid أيضًا ، إذا كنت تأخذ طفلك لإجراء اختبار 

 ، فيرجى إبقاء الطفل في المنزل حتى تعود النتائج ويكون لديك دليل على أن الطفل قد أثبت أنه سلبي.

 نحن نقدر حقًا تعاونكم ودعمكم لنا حيث نسعى جاهدين للحفاظ على سلامة جميع طلابنا وموظفينا وعائلاتنا 

 محمود ابو روس

 مدير مدرسة أوكمان

Monday January 10, 2022

Today’s Practice: Review Math Study Guide / Module 2 Zearn / Benchmark / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Rainbow Words. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Special: Media Center

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Pizza / Roasted Buffalo Cauliflower

*Math Module 2 Assessment is tomorrow

*Field Trip on Thursday & Mobile Dentist on Friday

Friday January 7, 2022

Today’s Practice: Math Practice Worksheet pages 279-282 / Zearn / Benchmark / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Practice your new words. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Monday’s Special: Music & Gym

Monday’s Lunch: Mac & Cheese / Loaded Vegetable Sub Sandwich

*Picture Retake Day: Monday Jan. 10th

*Math Module 2 Assessment: Tuesday, Jan. 11th (study guide going home on Monday)

*Field Trip: Thursday, Jan. 13th

*Mobile Dentist: Friday, Jan. 14th

Spelling Next Week:

Pattern: Consonant Digraphs (ch, tch, wh)

  • chop
  • check
  • chill
  • whim
  • which
  • match
  • clutch
  • pitch
  • once
  • hurt

Thursday January 6, 2022

Today’s Practice: Math Practice Lesson 28 Worksheet pages 275-278/ Zearn for 20 minutes / Benchmark / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Fun Sentences. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Special: Music

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Halal Chicken Parmesan Sub Sandwich / Fish Sticks

*Due tomorrow: Dentist Forms / Field Trip Forms

Field Trip January 13, 2022

Where: Ann Arbor Hands On Museum
When: Thursday January 13th
Why: Science Enrichment
Cost: $10 per person

Money & Form due by Friday January 7th.
Please bring a lunch and mask (I will be bringing hand sanitizer and wipes for students)

*This field trip is not mandatory. Please decide what is right for your student and your family. *We plan on having an outdoor field trip this spring.*


Please click here to create a copy of the permission slip and return.

Wednesday January 5, 2022

Today’s Practice: Pages 271-274 Math Worksheet/ Zearn / Benchmark / Read for 20 minutes and fill out R.E.D. folder for today (return the RED folder for a sticker)

Today’s Spelling Practice: Building Words. Please continue to bring in your spelling notebooks and complete your spelling each day.

Tomorrow’s Specials: Gym

Tomorrow’s Lunch: Pizza / Tuna Salad Sub Sandwich

*For students who are absent more than one day: please check schoology for your math, reading, and writing assignments.

**On Monday, January 10th, Oakman School is scheduled to have picture retake day in the A.M. 

In order to have your child’s picture retaken, you must return your complete package form.**

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