Dentist Visit!

In honor of Dental Health month, every year we take a “field trip” to the other end of the building to visit the dental students’ class. They create fun activities for our students to participate in and learn from. It’s always a great experience!

Weekly Update: Feb. 10-14

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed their weekend. Go Eagles!! This week:

  • Tomorrow is an early release, dismissal is at 1:50.
  • There is a PTA meeting at 8:45am on Thursday in the STEM cafeteria.
  • We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Friday. A reminder note is going home today about valentines.
  • This Friday is popcorn day! Bring in $1 for popcorn.
  • This week in math we will complete module 4 lessons 9-13. Remember to try and keep up in your Apply math homework book.
  • There is no school Monday, February 17th for midwinter break.
  • All field trip paperwork is due next Friday, the 21st.
  • The Black History month project that was sent home last week is due Wednesday, the 26th.

Have a nice week!!

Weekly Update: Feb. 3-7

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone is doing well. This week:

  • January reading logs were due today. Please turn them in tomorrow if you haven’t yet.
  • This Wednesday is the 100th day of school. 100th day homework went home Friday and is due Wednesday.
  • Going home today is a note about Valentine’s Day.
  • Tomorrow is early release, dismissal is at 1:50.
  • Going home this week is a Black History Month project. It is due Feb. 26.
  • Iready test scores will be coming home this Friday.
  • This week in math we will be completing module 4 lessons 5-9.
  • Field trip paperwork went home last week and is due Feb. 21st. If your family has a membership to the museum, please send in or email a copy of your membership card and you will not have to pay.

Have a wonderful week!!

Field Trip!

Hello Families!

We are excited to announce we are having a Buddy Classroom field trip. Montessori classrooms and lower elementary special education classrooms will be visiting The Henry Ford Museum on Friday, April 4th.

A few notes:

*All paperwork is coming home in your child’s folder today!

*All Kindergarten/1st graders will need an adult chaperone. 

*Students will come to school then ride the bus to the museum. All chaperones will meet us at the museum. 

*No siblings allowed. 

*All paperwork and money is due on Friday, February 21st. 

(firm deadline– we need to give numbers to them and get a check before spring break and that takes a few weeks).

Weekly Update: Jan. 27 – 31


Hope everyone is doing well. I am happy to be back. This week:

  • We are back to normal this week (finally!). This week is long o silent e words for spelling. Those words were sent home Friday the 17th. Test is Friday.
  • Tomorrow we will be taking our iReady math test in the morning. Last day for makeups is Wednesday.
  • Tomorrow is also an early release. Dismissal is at 1:50.
  • We are taking our math module 3 assessment today. Then we will start module 4. Module 4 homework books will be going home this week. Module 3 homework books are due completed no later than this Friday for a prize!
  • Mark your calendars for Friday, April 4th. We will be going on a field trip. All first graders must have a chaperone with them for the field trip. More info coming soon.

Have a great week and stay healthy!

Please read!

Good evening,

I hope everyone has stayed warm and enjoyed their extra time off! Unfortunately, I am sick and will be out tomorrow and Friday, I should be back Monday. The iReady testing window has been extended so we will take our remaining math test early next week. We will save our Benchmark long o words that went home last Friday for next week, so no spelling test this Friday.

Ms. Drennon will be subbing, so the class is in good hands. As always, email me with any questions. See you next week!

Weekly Update: January 13-17

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone had a good weekend. This week:

  • Tomorrow is an early release, dismissal is at 1:50.
  • Please remember to take out your child’s report card and return the envelope back to school.
  • We will be taking the winter round of iReady computer tests this Wednesday (reading) and next Wednesday (math). Please make sure your child is in school and on time those days. Please make sure they get plenty of rest and eat a good breakfast those days.
  • This week in math we will be completing module 3 lessons 21-25.
  • There is no school next Monday the 20th for MLK day.

Have a great week and stay warm!