Spelling Words

Week 16: long i, i_e

line, vine, mine, rice, nice, slice, life, strife

after, large, her, call

Week 15: soft c and g

race, lace, face, brace, age, cage, page, wage

try, too, far, give

Week 14: long o, o_e

hope, rope, nope, those, nose, chose, joke, spoke

find, how, over, under

Week 13: long a, a_e

game, name, shame, frame, shake, brake, take, fake

why, many, right, start

Week 12: 3-letter blends

split, splash, strap, stretch, squid, squint, sprint, spring

when, from, their, because

Week 11: ch, tch, wh

chop, chill, check, match, pitch, clutch, whim, which

once, upon, hurt, that

Week 10: sh, th, ng

shop, ship, shut, sing, bring, thing, this, than

were, our, could, these

Week 9: final blends

send, wind, bland, mist, west, trust, jump, clamp

who, good, by, them

Week 8: s-blends

skin, skip, skill, smug, smock, smell, swim, swell

was, there, then, out

Week 7: r-blends

drip, dress, drill, grim, grass, grab, trim, truck

do, now, went, which

Week 6: l-blends

clip, class, clock, flat, flag, flick, black, block

what, put, want, this, saw

Week 5: short u

rug, bug, hug, cup, up, fun, run, sun

to, of, come, here

Week 4: short e

ten, men, pen, let, met, wet, fed, bed

are, look, my, said, two

Week 3: short o

mop, top, hop, lock, rock, sock, hot, not

for, have, jump, no, one

Week 2: short i

lip, hip, rip, win, bin, pin, hit, bit

play, little, you, with

Week 1: short a

ran, can, fan, pat, bat, hat, had, mad

go, see, she, the, and