Good afternoon,
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. We made it to the last school week of the year! This week:
- This week is Spirit Week! Please see the previous post for what to wear each day. Everyone looks great in their holiday accessories today 🙂
- Tomorrow is an early release, dismissal is at 1:50.
- We are taking a little break from Benchmark and spelling this week for some holiday fun. No spelling words or test this week!
- This Friday the 20th is the last day of the second card marking period. Report cards will go home in January.
- January Weekly Writing and reading logs will go home Friday. The December reading log is due January 6th.
- This week in math we will complete modules 3 lessons 13-17, and a quiz.
- Completed candy grams were due back today. Tomorrow is the absolute last day to return them completed and folded.
- Winter Break is Dec. 23rd- Jan 5th. January 6th is a half day.
Have a nice week!!