Daily Archives: January 27, 2022

January 27th

How is it already the end of January??? Time is simply flying by!

We were VERY busy this week! I conducted our mid-year testing and was excited to see how much progress the children are making! Please keep working on letters and using scissors at home. These are 2 things that will be SUPER important for kindergarten and I want them ready to go! If you need ideas or help, just ask!

We focused on the story “Going On A Bear Hunt” this week! The children absolutely LOVE it. In their backpacks you will find a “map” and the words of the story. Have your child grab a lego figurine, a barbie, car, etc. and they can retell the story and move their figure around the map.

Here is the story if you want watch it or help them to remember how it goes 🙂

Just as an FYI, I will be out of the classroom on Monday, due to a death in the family. Mrs. Hamade and a substitute teacher will be here, and they have lots of fun planned!

Please stay safe and warm this weekend, and I will see you all on Tuesday when I return. Thanks!

Here is the link to our class photos if you haven’t checked it out in a while! https://photos.app.goo.gl/AqzdXmLUv5AXU2ri9