Daily Archives: January 13, 2022

January News + Updates

THANK YOU to everyone who attended our math ZOOM parent meeting!

The children seemed like they enjoyed it, and hopefully you have a couple of new math games you can play at home together. 🙂

Our meeting was held on ZOOM out of an abundance of caution, since the COVID cases have been so high as of late. GSRP PreK administration made the call to hold the meeting virtually in order to keep everyone safe. I am so proud of how well the kids did for their first time on a learning Zoom! Everyone logged on ON TIME and participated!

Our next parent meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 17th!

Mrs. Hamade and I did a deep clean in our room, we wiped, washed, and sanitized high touch areas, the kids personal things in the classroom (white boards, markers, etc.) and the toys, shelves, etc. We are trying our best to keep everyone safe + healthy! We do this regularly especially during peak illness seasons. We appreciate you sending your child with a well fitting CLEAN mask each day, and encouraging the same healthy behaviors at home as at school. Washing hands for 20 seconds, eating good foods, drinking water, getting exercise! This all plays a huge role in keeping us all as healthy as can be.

Ms. Zahraa from the LAHC healthy living program has also been reteaching these skills, and will be visiting us for the last time next week on Wednesday! If you could please complete her survey either online or send back the packet. You do NOT have to do both! Whichever is easier for you is perfect!

  • Upcoming Dates:
  • January 17th: No school for MLK Jr. Day
  • January 24th: 1/2 day of school pick up at 11:10

In the classroom, we have been doing a lot of activities around snow and will continue on with snowmen next week! We painted a Snowy Day picture with q-tips and sponges to go along with the story we read this week. We also held a chair wash, and have been getting lots of exercise exploring our school and playing new games.

Below is a video version of the story we read! It is short and animated, it would be awesome to watch it with your child, and have them tell you about which part of the story they painted! As you can see they each were able to include the main character Peter, into their art! Have a wonderful long weekend! See you on Tuesday!