I hope everyone had a healthy and restful winter break! I wanted to quickly touch base with everyone before we head back into the classroom!
A few reminders:
- Bring a blanket
- Bring BOOTS and SHOES/slippers, gloves, hats, etc. WINTER is HERE and we are going to PLAY!
- Arrival: 8:35-8:45 after 8:45 your child is marked TARDY
- Dismissal: 3:20-3:30
- On inclement weather days, please wait in your car or plan to arrive in the 10 min window of time so you are not stuck in the cold. Due to COVID precautions we cannot all gather in the building.
- IF you are late, PLEASE go through the front office. It is NOT ok to knock on doors and ask students and other teachers to let you in. This is a HUGE safety issue that we must adhere to.
BEST NEWS EVER: OUR PLUMBING HAS BEEN FIXED!!! We can use the restroom + sinks in our classroom again!!! YAY!!!!
Please clean out backpacks/folders before coming back to school! Pack a couple of extra masks in a baggie (so we can tell the clean ones from the dirty!) Red folders, extra shoes and snow gear should be all the children come back with. All books, crafts, papers, etc. should be left at home. Below is our January calendar just in case you misplaced the one we sent home before the break. Take note of the parent meeting date, so it doesn’t come as a surprise!
We can’t wait to see you all on Monday January 3rd! Please keep in mind the stricter sick policy that Dearborn Schools has in place, and as always, let me know ahead of time if your child will not be attending due to illness. Thank you for your cooperation!