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Attention Parents

Greetings Oakman Families,

Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to help us keep our schools open. As we navigate through this period of time with spiked infection rates, we’d like to gently remind you to keep your child at home if and when you observe any symptoms. Covid, common cold and the seasonal flu have many common symptoms so we ask you to keep the child home until the symptoms clear. Also, if you take your child for Covid testing, please keep your child home till the results come back and you have proof the child has tested negative.

We truly appreciate your cooperation and support as we strive to keep all of our students, staff, and families safe.

Best Regards,

Mahmoud Abu-Rus


تحياتي عائلات أوكمان

شكرًا لكم على كل العمل الشاق الذي تقومون به لمساعدتنا في إبقاء مدارسنا مفتوحة. بينما ننتقل خلال هذه الفترة الزمنية مع معدلات الإصابة المرتفعة ، نود أن نذكركم بلطف بإبقاء طفلكم في المنزل إذا لاحظت أي أعراض مرضية. هناك العديد من الأعراض الشائعة لفيروس كوفيد ونزلات البرد والإنفلونزا الموسمية ، لذا نطلب منك إبقاء الطفل في المنزل حتى تتضح الأعراض ويصبح الطفل

أفضل .

،Covid أيضًا ، إذا كنت تأخذ طفلك لإجراء اختبار

، فيرجى إبقاء الطفل في المنزل حتى تعود النتائج ويكون لديك دليل على أن الطفل قد أثبت أنه سلبي.

نحن نقدر حقًا تعاونكم ودعمكم لنا حيث نسعى جاهدين للحفاظ على سلامة جميع طلابنا وموظفينا وعائلاتنا

محمود ابو روس

مدير مدرسة أوكمان

A Group (5th) At Home Assignments 6/08/2021

Bitmoji Image

9:55- 10:40 Music

Reading– work on Study Island Reading

Math:work on Study Island Math, Catch up in zearn (L13- 5th)

Social Studies and Science: Study for Quizzes

Writing: Start writing your rough draft….(5 paragraphs)

2:40- 3:25 ART

Complete any missing…

Please watch the Morning Announcements!!


Photos stolen and used by someone else on Facebook? This is what you can do  about it - ABC News

Can you please ask students to email us any photos they may have of their time at Oakman (kdg to 5th). We will place them in a video for the end of the year. Preferably photos of them and their Oakman friends.

We will put a message on Schoology as well.

Thank you
Chehab and Dakhlallah

A Group (5th) At Home Assignments 6/04/2021

Snoopy: Happy Friday, Have a Groovy Weekend! via GIPHY gif with kites,  flowers, Woodstock and friend. | Good morning snoopy, Happy friday gif,  Snoopy friday

9:05- 9:50 PE- gym

9:55- 10:40 Music

10:45- 11:30 Science Enrichment

Reading– work on Study Island Reading

Math: work on Study Island Math, Catch up in zearn (L13- 5th)

Social Studies and Science: Complete missing your assignments
Next Week for Social Studies and Science you will have a quiz!!

Writing: take notes on credible sources to develop a research project (many students need to redo last weeks assignment) and My Time at Oakman Writing

Complete any missing…

Independent Work 4/21/2021

Writing- Write about why you are Thankful for the Earth (2 paragraphs)

Math– Catch up on your Zearn and Study Island Math

Reading- Read for 20 minutes and write a summary of what you read

Social Studies– was assigned the beginning of the week (please get done)

Science– We did after lunch (12:30 pm- 1:35 pm) today, so students should not have homework, unless they did not participate

Schoology is down but most of the assignments above where done in class. Please remind your child to do the work that is through clever!!

Thank you,

Ms. Mosed

Welcome back video for Hybrid Returning!

Please review the powerpoint that we went over during the Parent Meeting:

A Students that will follow Monday and Thursday Schedule:

  1. Salma
  2. Mohammed
  3. Ibrahim
  4. Gamilah
  5. Muhammed- Abdullah
  6. Fawzia
  7. Eslam
  8. Jaafar
  9. Ghanem

B Students that will follow Tuesday and Friday Schedule:

  1. Lena
  2. Jmal
  3. Hawraa
  4. Ahmed
  5. Sammy
  6. Yusef
  7. Ali
  8. Mariam

Learning labs are starting up again this week!

In order to follow safety protocols, please make a copy of this GOOGLE FORM and rename using your grade and name.Also share with parents so that they can complete on the days that their child is coming in for a learning lab session.Once you have shared this you will be able to keep track of the responses.

Update Phone Numbers

As we prepare for hybrid learning/school reopening please be sure to update your contact information. If you have changed your phone number, please call Miss. Amged at 313-827-6500.

Classwork and Learning Labs 1/26/2021

Independent Work:

Reading- Morning work should be done, read from benchmark books and epic books (20 minutes reading daily)

Math- We took test in class, work on Zearn 

Writing- finish your writing assignment

Social Studies- Read and answer the questions

Spelling- work on Kids A-Z

Make sure you do your work daily and not leave it for the end of the week!!

Learning Labs:

Math- 2:00- 2:40          Ibrahim, Fawzia, Gamilah, Ghanem

Reading- 2:40 3:10       Ibrahim, Fawzia, Ghanem

Math-  3:10- 3:50         Hawraa, Mariam, Yusef, Jmal

This is the daily schedule for students:

8:55- 9:10 Join ZOOM! Spelling until all students join and attendance is taken.

9:10- 10:20 Reading

10:20- 10:30 Snack/Break/Bathroom

10:30-11:45 Math

11:45- 12:25 Lunch

12:25- 1:00 Writing or Social Studies or Science

1:00- 1:50 Specials Assignments (sometimes the teachers will ask to join to help students understand the assignment and/or they have videos to watch to understand what to do on their assignments)

2:00- 3:50 Teacher meets with students in small group (students get independent work completed before school day is done)

3:50 Assignments are turned in and school day has ended!!

Always remind your child, to read daily for 20 minutes to build their vocabulary.


We will start our meetings with everyone muted, so they must raise their hands to ask or answer a question. Most importantly sit in 1 spot and your computer should not be moving. Your body should not be moving. NO dancing, making noises, or making funny faces. DO NOT interrupt class, so keep yourself muted.

We are all learning on how to get our students to learn and enjoy learning at home virtually. Please go over the norms and expectations of being online and rules they should be following.

Thank You,

Ms. Mosed


Spirit Week

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s spirit!
