Classwork and Learning Labs 1/26/2021
Independent Work:
Reading- Morning work should be done, read from benchmark books and epic books (20 minutes reading daily)
Math- We took test in class, work on Zearn
Writing- finish your writing assignment
Social Studies- Read and answer the questions
Spelling- work on Kids A-Z
Make sure you do your work daily and not leave it for the end of the week!!
Learning Labs:
Math- 2:00- 2:40 Ibrahim, Fawzia, Gamilah, Ghanem
Reading- 2:40 3:10 Ibrahim, Fawzia, Ghanem
Math- 3:10- 3:50 Hawraa, Mariam, Yusef, Jmal
This is the daily schedule for students:
8:55- 9:10 Join ZOOM! Spelling until all students join and attendance is taken.
9:10- 10:20 Reading
10:20- 10:30 Snack/Break/Bathroom
10:30-11:45 Math
11:45- 12:25 Lunch
12:25- 1:00 Writing or Social Studies or Science
1:00- 1:50 Specials Assignments (sometimes the teachers will ask to join to help students understand the assignment and/or they have videos to watch to understand what to do on their assignments)
2:00- 3:50 Teacher meets with students in small group (students get independent work completed before school day is done)
3:50 Assignments are turned in and school day has ended!!
Always remind your child, to read daily for 20 minutes to build their vocabulary.

We will start our meetings with everyone muted, so they must raise their hands to ask or answer a question. Most importantly sit in 1 spot and your computer should not be moving. Your body should not be moving. NO dancing, making noises, or making funny faces. DO NOT interrupt class, so keep yourself muted.
We are all learning on how to get our students to learn and enjoy learning at home virtually. Please go over the norms and expectations of being online and rules they should be following.
Thank You,
Ms. Mosed