Happy Second Semester!


Today we visited the library; I asked all students to get a chapter book at their level and another book of their choice; there will be something that they have to do weekly to be accountable for the Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) we do in the classroom on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; this will be new to this cardmarking


Reading for at least 20 minutes today; IXL Prepositional Phrases that are in the grammar portion of IXL labeled letters HH. They need to have a smart score of 100 by the end of the week

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Finishing NWEA Reading Testing; your student should be able to share their score with you, there is a conversion chart to their lexile level in their planner

Mark Your Calendar:

1/2 Day today

1/2 Day tomorrow Wednesday, January 22nd

Terrific Thursday!


Book Talks; NWEA Reading Testing


Last book talks tomorrow so please be prepared; no more late work accepted after tomorrow for this card marking

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Finishing NWEA Reading Testing hopefully by tomorrow; End of the card marking is tomorrow

Mark Your Calendar:


No School on Monday, January 20th

1/2 Day on Tuesday and Wednesday January 21st and 22nd

Wonderful Wednesday!!


Book Talks; NWEA Reading Testing


Prepare for your book talks if you have yours on Thursday or Friday; Last day to turn in any assignments will be Friday morning

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

NWEA Reading going on right now

Mark Your Calendar:


No School on Monday, January 20th

1/2 Day on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21st and January 22nd

Terrific Tuesday!


Book Talks; NWEA Reading Testing


Just prepare for your book talk if you have not presented; also the book projects were due Monday if you did not turn it in it is a 25 point summative grade, you need to get it turned in to improve your grade

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

End of the card marking is THIS Friday!!! Last Day to turn in late assignments is THIS FRIDAY!!!

Mark Your Calendar:

1/2 Day on THIS Friday, January 17th

No School on Monday, January 20th

1/2 Day on Tuesday and Wednesday January 21st and 22nd

Marvelous Monday!


Book Projects Turned In; Book Talks were started today; Began NWEA Reading testing today


Prepare for Book Talk if you have not gone already; last day to turn in missing assignments is Friday

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

NWEA Testing in Reading This Week

End of the Card Marking is Friday

Mark Your Calendar:

1/2 Day on Friday and it is the end of the card marking

Monday, January 20th no school

Tuesday and Wednesday January 21st and 22nd 1/2 Day for students

Terrific Thursday!


IXL grammar Prepositional Phrases (need to be at a smart score of 80); double-entry journal; reading with audio “Zebra” with concentration on important text to the story; Christmas Carol and Verb Retake Test tomorrow in Mr. Borg’s room in the morning 54A and in Mrs. Doner’s room after school (they may retake either at this time!)


Creative Writing #3 is due tomorrow (5th hour is due on Monday!)

Book Project is Due on Monday, January 13th

Book Talks start next week (ask your child when they are presenting)

Reading NWEA starts next week

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

See the above list of items

Mark Your Calendar:

End of the card marking is next Friday we will be accepting late work until Friday, January 17th

No One Eats Alone Day is tomorrow

1/2 Day Next Friday, January 17th

No School on Monday, January 20th

1/2 Day on Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd

Wonderful Snowy Wednesday!


SSR/Conferencing; Double-Entry Journal work with our short story “Zebra”; Continue listening to our short story on audio


Preparing for Book Talk dates vary depending on the student

Book Project Continue to Work On

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Book Project due on Monday, January 13th

Book Talks All Next Week ask your son/daughter when they are presenting

NWEA Reading Testing starts next week

Mark Your Calendar:

End of the Card Marking next Friday, January 17th

No School on Monday, January 20th

1/2 Day on Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd

Marvelous Monday!


SSR/Conferences; Creative Writing #3 was given out; Signed up for Book Talks which begin next Monday, January 13th; Building Vocabulary for our new short story “Zebra”; Looking at the BIG Question for our story


Continue to work on the Book Project

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Book Project Due Monday, January 13th

Book Talks Will Start on Monday, January 13th

NWEA Reading Testing Starts on Monday, January 13th

Mark Your Calendar:

Last Day of the Card Marking is Friday, January 17th; 1/2 Day that Day

Happy New Year!!!

This is not my typical post because I am writing this on a Sunday evening. Just wanted to remind all the parents that we are signing up for book talks for card marking number 2 TOMORROW. So ask your child what day next week they will be presenting. Also, their book project is due on Monday, January 13th. The end of the card marking is fast approaching. I do take late assignments so make sure you both look on Student Connect/ Parent Connect and double check that your son/daughter does not have any missing assignments. We will be NWEA testing the week of January 13th in Reading for my class.

Thank you for all the wonderful gifts before break! I loved each and every one of them. My heart is so full knowing what wonderful students I get to teach every single day and what terrific parents I have that are always so supportive!

Happy New Year to ALL! See you tomorrow! Mrs. Doner

Thoughtful Thursday!


Prepositions; Finished the movie; CER on the question, “Did you enjoy the play or the movie more?” 1 paragraph in class in length; Organize Folder; Handed out Book Project requirements


Work on Book Project if they would like

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Book Talks Start the week of Monday, January 13th

Book Project Due on Monday, January 13th

NWEA Testing the Week of January 13th

Mark Your Calendar:

Winter Break from December 23-January 3rd