Wonderful Wednesday!


Watch Part 2 of A Christmas Carol; work on reflection as they watch



Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Book Project information will be passed out tomorrow- it is due on Monday, January 13th

Mark Your Calendar:

Winter Break December 23-January 3rd

Terrific Tuesday!


Begin work with prepositions; Movie A Christmas Carol with reflection sheet



Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Book Project will be given out on Thursday and the due date will be Monday, January 13, 2020

Mark Your Calendar:

Late start is TOMORROW

Marvelous Monday!


SSR or Option to Study for their test; Test on A Christmas Carol; Finish PBW in class if they did not complete it on Friday



Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

The students will be given their book project for over the break (will hand out on THURSDAY!) in case some might want to get a head start on it; it is not required to do over break, but Mr. Borg and I thought some might like it ahead of time

Mark Your Calendars:

Late Start on Wednesday, December 18th

Fabulous Friday!


Review for Verb Test; Turn in Station Packet on A Christmas Carol; Continue writing their in class Passage Based Writing on A Christmas Carol; Study Guide was passed out for their test Monday on A Christmas Carol


Complete the Study Guide and Study for the Test on Monday; Answers Below:

anonymous- not named

currency- money

conversion- a change in which a person adopts a new belief, opinion, or religion

odious- causing or deserving strong dislike

infuriated- extremely angry

Scrooge was mean at the beginning of the play

Fred invites Scrooge to Christmas dinner before he is visited by the Spirit of Christmas Past.

The theme that is present during the scene about Scrooge’s past is you cannot change the past.

The theme of the play centers around money.

The details that help build the theme of this drama are Scrooge’s stinginess in the present.

Scrooge learns from the Spirit Yet to Come that his future will be grim if he does not change.

** For the essay question you are going to have to really write and reflect at home on what you would like to say in this part.

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Test on A Christmas Carol on Monday!

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start next Wednesday, December 18th

Terrific Thursday!


Review for the Verb Test; Continued work on Passage Based Writing


Station Packet for the story A Christmas Carol

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Test on Verbs Tomorrow

Test on A Christmas Carol Tomorrow

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start on Wednesday, December 18th

Wonderful Wednesday!


SSR/Conferences; Reviewed Passage Based Writing and Began Our 5 Paragraph Essay


Finish Station Packet which is due on Friday

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Verb Test on Friday a study guide is coming home tomorrow

Test on A Christmas Carol on Friday

Station Packet due on Friday

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thankful Tuesday!


IXL Bellwork for grammar; Station Rotations finish up 3 and 4 and 5 today


Station Packet is due on Friday

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Passage Based Writing Done in class on A Christmas Carol these next three days

Verb Test on Friday

A Christmas Carol test is on Monday

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start is on Wednesday, December 18th

Fabulous Friday!


SSR; Collecting of Scenes 3 and 4 and their creative writing; got on IXL to work on some grammar; this is a great resource for the students to work on; they have their log-in and password in their planners; Author’s Chair today some students were selected to read their creative writing today



Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Verb Test next Friday

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start on Wednesday, December 18th

Terrific Thursday!


Grammar Linking Verbs; Reflection on reading 8 Squares (should be finishing Scenes 3 and 4 DUE TOMORROW) began Scene 5 squares today; Read Scene 6 in A Christmas Carol today


Scenes 3 and 4 the 8 Squares are due TOMORROW!!!

Creative Writing #2 is due TOMORROW!!!

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Tests on Verbs later next week, date to be determined

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start on Wednesday, December 18th

Wonderful Wednesday!


Reflection on Scenes; 8 Squares Scenes 3 and 4; Read Scene 5


Creative Writing Due Friday!

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Creative Writing #2 Due on Friday! Be ready to read one of your writings if you have not already presented. Sticks will be pulled.

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start on Wednesday, December 18th