Review for Verb Test; Turn in Station Packet on A Christmas Carol; Continue writing their in class Passage Based Writing on A Christmas Carol; Study Guide was passed out for their test Monday on A Christmas Carol
Complete the Study Guide and Study for the Test on Monday; Answers Below:
anonymous- not named
currency- money
conversion- a change in which a person adopts a new belief, opinion, or religion
odious- causing or deserving strong dislike
infuriated- extremely angry
Scrooge was mean at the beginning of the play
Fred invites Scrooge to Christmas dinner before he is visited by the Spirit of Christmas Past.
The theme that is present during the scene about Scrooge’s past is you cannot change the past.
The theme of the play centers around money.
The details that help build the theme of this drama are Scrooge’s stinginess in the present.
Scrooge learns from the Spirit Yet to Come that his future will be grim if he does not change.
** For the essay question you are going to have to really write and reflect at home on what you would like to say in this part.
Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:
Test on A Christmas Carol on Monday!
Mark Your Calendar:
Late Start next Wednesday, December 18th