Snowy Monday!


SSR/Conferences (Please make sure you check in with your son/daughter regarding what book they are reading, they have to at least read one entire book per card marking for their book talk and project); Station Rotations (5 stations should be complete by now


Make sure your station packet is up to date with 5 stations complete

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Station Packet DUE WEDNESDAY!!

Test on ” A Retrieved Reformation” WEDNESDAY

Pronoun Test on Thursday

Mark Your Calendar:

Parent Teacher Conferences are cancelled for this evening; Please stay safe out there

Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday from 3:30-6:30

Fabulous Friday!


SSR/Conferences; Author’s Chair Presentations for Creative Writing; Station Rotations


Catch up on the stations you have already done; try to get them complete

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

” A Retrieved Reformation” Test on Wednesday

Pronoun Test on Thursday

Mark Your Calendar:

Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday 4:00-7:00

Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday 3:30-6:30

Wonderful Wednesday!


SSR or Creative Writing #1; Review of station expectations and all the items we will finish in the packet by Monday


Creative Writing #1

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Creative Writing #1 DUE FRIDAY

“A Retrieved Reformation” Test will be approximately mid-week next week

Pronoun Test coming up very soon, stay tuned

Mark Your Calendars:

Parent Teacher Conferences next Monday 4-7 and Wednesday 3:30-6:30

Happy 2nd Card Marking Monday!!!!


SSR/Conference; Creative Writing #1


Creative Writing Needs to be worked on the entire week

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Creative Writing #1 is due on FRIDAY!!!

Mark Your Calendar:

No School TOMORROW due to election day

Parent Teacher Conference next Monday

Parent Teacher Conference next Wednesday

Wonderful Wednesday!


SSR/Conferences; Book Talks; Finish reading ” A Retrieved Reformation”and take notes; Begin Vocabulary Log


Work on Vocabulary Log will be due on Friday

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Vocabulary Log will be due on FRIDAY!

Last day to turn in your puzzle project and present your book talk will be FRIDAY!! (this is the end of the 1st card marking grades will be entered in the system so Friday is it for any late assignments)

Quiz on the Vocabulary on FRIDAY!!!

Mark Your Calendar:

Parent Teacher Conferences are Monday, November 11th from 4:00-7:00

Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday, November 13th 3:30-6:30

Fabulous Friday!!!


Fab Vocab all 10 words for our story “A Retrieved Reformation”; Review Book Talk and the parts: Title, Author, Summary, Passage and Recommendation; Book Project Due Date for Monday; Powerpoint review of vocabulary


Book Talk Preparation

Book Project

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Book Project Due Monday!!!!

Book Talks Will Be Presented All Next Week, check with your student as to when they are presenting

Mark Your Calendar:

End of the Card Marking Next Friday, November 1st

Wonderful Wednesday!!


SSR/Conferencing; Working on the conclusion of the paper


5 Paragraph Paper is Due TOMORROW!!

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Paper Due Tomorrow

Book Project due on Monday, October 28th

Book Talk for students to present their novel is all next week; check the date with your student

Mark Your Calendar:

Pink Shirt Day Friday, October 25th

Terrific Tuesday!!


Demonstrative Pronouns; Writing Paragraphs 1-4


You should come to class finished with your draft of your first four paragraphs of your paper

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Book Project Due on Monday, October 28th

Paper due THIS THURSDAY!!!!

Book Talks start the week of Monday, October 28th

Mark Your Calendar:

Pink Shirt Day is THIS FRIDAY!! Show your school spirit and wear pink!!!

Magnificent Monday!


Checked in introductory paragraph; worked on focusing on the body of the paper; should have at least three paragraphs for their paper worked on by tomorrow


1st Three Paragraphs of their paper should be done

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Passage Based Writing Paper on “An American Childhood” is due on Thursday

Book Project “Puzzle” Due Monday, October 28th

Book Talks will be all next week check with your student on the day they are going

Mark Your Calendar:

Pink Shirt Day is Friday, October 25th

Fabulous Friday!


SSR/Conferencing; Work on evidence within a text; Intro Paragraph of their paper with their outline started and due on Monday; Book Project presented to them today


Outline on the Intro Paragraph

1st Paragraph of their Paper drafted on loose leaf

Book Project Worked On

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Book Project Due on Monday, October 28th

Outline and Paragraph One Due Monday, October 21st

Book Talks will begin on Monday, October 28th

Mark Your Calendar:

Pink Shirt Day on Friday, October 25th