Terrific Tuesday!


Intransitive Verbs with an exercise; Work on 8 Squares from Scene 3; Read Scene 4 Spirit of Christmas Present


Work on Creative Writing #2 (2 Prompts with 2 Paragraphs Each)

  1. Envision a dragon. Do you battle him? Or is the dragon friendly? Use descriptive language to complete your writing. Two Paragraph Minimum
  2. Where do you see yourself in 15 years? What are you doing? Describe your life. Two Paragraph Minimum

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Creative Writing #2 Due on Friday

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start on Wednesday, December 18th

Marvelous Monday!


SSR/Conference; Read Aloud Scene 3; Started 8 Squares;Creative Writing #2 Assigned


No homework at this time

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Creative Writing #2 Due Friday

8 Squares due later this week

Mark Your Calendar:

Late Start Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Happy Thankful Thursday!


Transitive Verbs; Library; Scene 2 of A Christmas Carol; 8 Squares (a reflection on reading)


Scene 1 and Scene 2 Squares are due on Monday when we return

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

8 Squares both the front and back of the paper for Scenes 1 and 2 are due on Monday!

Mark Your Calendar:

No School on Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29th, school will resume on Monday, December 2nd

Happy Thanksgiving to All!!! I am very thankful that I get to teach all of your children. Enjoy your time with your family!

Thoughtful Thursday!


Beginning a unit on Verbs; Notes getting ready for “A Christmas Carol”; Begin with the big idea of MONEY with quotes to reflect on


Newsela Article (13 Annotations and quiz 4 Questions on the back)

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Newsela Article due Friday

Mark Your Calendar:

No School on Wednesday, November 27- Friday, November 29

****** Test retake for “A Retrieved Reformation” tomorrow morning and after school in Mr. Borg’s Room 54A in the horseshoe

Totally Terrific Tuesday!


Read over the Newsela Article given yesterday; looked at how we annotate and gave the students time to start annotations; Charles Dickens notes with a sketch we came back and revisited; Created our folder for A Christmas Carol


Charles Dickens Notes need to be done with their sketch for tomorrow; it will be checked in for a grade when they come in the classroom; Newsela article with annotations and the quiz on the back are due on Friday

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Newsela Article due on Friday

Mark Your Calendars:

No School next Wednesday, November 27th, Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th due to the Thanksgiving Holiday

Magnificent Monday!


SSR/Conferences; Going over expectations for NewsELA article with annotations and quiz; Finish Charles Dickens notes and draw the picture on the back


Finish 1 Page of Notes on Charles Dickens with sketch on back

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

NewsELA article with annotations and quiz questions is due on FRIDAY!

Mark Your Calendar:

Parent Teacher Conferences are TODAY from 4:00-7:00

Fabulous Friday!


SSR/Conferences; Pronoun Test; Research “Who was Charles Dickens?”



Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

We will begin our reading of “A Christmas Carol” next week; we will be doing various activities to support our learning of this wonderful story

Mark Your Calendar:

Parent/Teacher Conferences are next Monday, November 18th from 4:00-7:00 PM

Thoughtful Thursday!


Turn in Station Packet; study for test; Book Fair for hours 1st (will go tomorrow), 3rd and 4th, Hour 5 went on Wednesday; Test; Made sure our reading goal was updated in the computer along with a personal goal


Study for Pronoun Test; Last Day to turn in Creative Writing is TOMORROW! (It was due last Friday) If your child would like to go down to the book fair to get anything they saw in the last two days I will let them go during language arts time. The book fair will close at the end of the day tomorrow!

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

Pronoun Test is TOMORROW

Mark Your Calendar:

Parent /Teacher Conferences are rescheduled to Monday, November 18th from 4:00-7:00

Wonderful Snowy Wednesday!!


Station Packet Work; Review for “A Retrieved Reformation” Test that will take place TOMORROW; time do do a little catch-up on wrapping up their packets and studying for their test


Station Packets need to be complete to turn in TOMORROW

Due Dates and Upcoming Tests:

“A Retrieved Reformation” Test is TOMORROW-THURSDAY

Station Packet due TOMORROW-THURSDAY

Pronoun Test is on FRIDAY review will be handed out tomorrow

Mark Your Calendar:

Parent Teacher Conferences TONIGHT from 3:30-6:30

Another time for next week has not been announced yet

Happy Snow Day!

Just wanted to let everyone know that due to the snow day we will push back our two tests. “A Retrieved Reformation” will be on Thursday. The pronoun test will be on Friday. Station packets will be due on Thursday and collected before you take your test.

Conference Information

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at conferences tomorrow evening from 3:30-6:30. There will be a make-up day next week for the conferences that were scheduled for this past Monday that were cancelled due to the snow. Stay tuned for an update on the second day for conferences.