Hello Haigh Families! My name is Linda Lippert. I will be your child’s first grade teacher. I am new to Haigh, but definitely not new to teaching. 🙂 I have 30 years of teaching experience under my belt. I spent the last 22 years at Howard Elementary. I am sad to be leaving my Howard family, but I am excited to make a new family here at Haigh! This year will definitely be different than any year I have ever taught. We will get through this together!! I can’t wait to meet you all next week during our morning sessions of one-on-one. We will take every precaution to keep your child and myself safe and healthy.
You will be getting a welcome letter today indicating that I am your first grader’s teacher. I will continue to use this blog for as long as they let me, so please sign up for my updates. All you need to do is enter your email address on the right. That’s it. Every time I post something, you will receive an email. I will include a link on Schoology so that you can access this blog from there.
I look forward to an exciting, challenging, and rewarding school year!
See you real soon!! Bye!