Author: Lauren Paulisin

Week of October 30-November 2, 2023

Dear Room 108 Families,

Happy November! Did you see the random snow that fell on Tuesday evening? Now that we are getting closer to winter, the weather will continue to get colder. As a friendly reminder, we go outside as long as the feel-like temperature is 20 degrees or over. Please make sure your child is coming to school with warm outside clothes such as:

  • Heavy coat
  • Hat
  • Scarf
  • Gloves/mittens

It is important that your child is warm when we go outside to play! Thank you for your understanding!

Picture day on Thursday was a success! If you bought pictures please wait a few weeks for LifeTouch to send the photos to the school. As soon as I get them, I will give them to you. If your child missed picture day, there will be a makeup picture day in the future. The date is not available yet, so stay tuned for that date. If you want to buy your child’s pictures online, go to and type in the school code: EVTBQT7X9 After you type in the code, you will type in your child’s name.

What Did We Learn About This Week?

We were scientists this week, as we talked about items that are heavy and light. The students used a scale to determine which items in the classroom are heavy and which ones are light. They put two items on the scale and watched as the scale went up, down, and/or stayed the same. Before they weighed their items, they made predictions about which toys would be heavier. After they weighed their items, they talked about why they thought about why the toys where heavier than the others. So fun!

We had a lot of fall fun on Tuesday! The students bowled with pumpkins, played in pumpkin guts, made a pumpkin with orange paper, played pin the face on the pumpkin, and looked for pumpkins in a pumpkin patch. Check it out!

The letters we learned this week were Pp, Bb, Ss, and Rr. The students learned the names of these letters, identified the capital and lowercase letters, and practiced making the sound. This weekend, I encourage you to practice learning the names of these letters with your child with your Alphafriends cards we gave at the home visit. If your child is ready for a challenge, have them practice writing the letters!

Next Week at Salina…

  • Monday, November 6: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, November 7: NO SCHOOL – Election Day
  • Wednesday, November 8: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thursday, November 9: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM

Fun Weekend Activity Idea!

We are going to start learning about shapes next week. To give your child a head start, go on a shape search around your house! Have your child look for the followings shapes:







Week of October 23-26, 2023

Dear Room 108 Families,

Can you believe that October is already almost over? This school year is going by so fast! As always, thank you for your continued support this school year. It takes a team between the teacher and families to help these amazing students learn and grow!

What Did We Learn About This Week?

We had a visit from the Dearborn Fire Department on Monday, October 23! The firefighters were amazing at talking to our students about fire safety! They talked about how to stay safe if there is a fire, such as getting out of the building, stopping, dropping, and rolling if there is fire on their clothes, meeting their families in a meeting spot, and calling 911 if there is an emergency. The students got the opportunity to see the fire truck and the ambulance, too!

We practice our reading comprehension skills by reading, “The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything,” by Linda Williams. As we read the book, we talked about which parts of the story came first, middle, and last. I encourage you to read the book with your child this weekend and see if they can recall the details of the story:

This week we learned about letters Qq, Ss, Jj, and Dd. See our alphafriends in the pictures below! This weekend, I encourage you to work on these letters with your child. Work with your child on the names of these letters. For a challenge, have your child practice writing these letters!

Picture Day – November 2, 2023

Picture Day is on Thursday, November 2! Order forms for pictures will be available in your child’s folders on Monday, October 30. If you choose to buy pictures, please put the EXACT AMOUNT OF MONEY in the LifeTouch order form. LifeTouch does not give back change. Pictures can also be ordered online (instructions to follow).

Please make sure your child is at school ON TIME so they can get their picture taken.

Next Week at Salina…

  • Monday, October 30: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, October 31: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Wednesday, November 1: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thursday, November 2: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM & PICTURE DAY!

Preschool Registration – SPREAD THE WORD!

Weekend Activity Idea!

The students are working hard on their names. They work on their name puzzles at school every morning. This weekend, I encourage your child to work on their name puzzles that were given at the Parent Meeting. If you did not attend the meeting, please check your child’s backpacks, as their name puzzles are in there.

Alphafriends Song

Week of October 16-19, 2023

Dear Room 108 Families,

What a great week we had! Even though it was a short week, the students were fully engaged and learning so much. I am excited to share what we learned this week with you!

What Did We Learn About This Week?

This week we learned a lot about apples! We talked about the colors, sizes and weight. The students even had an opportunity to taste three different kinds of apples. We created a graph to see which apple did most students like? Ask your child to tell you which colored apple was the best.

We used playdough to make faces on pumpkins. Some pumpkins looked happy and some looked sad. Talk to your child about different emotions. We all experience different emotions and ways to help when we get angry or frustrated. Sometimes when I get angry, I will take a deep breath.

Watch this video about 5 little pumpkins.

We read Ten Apples Up On Top. The children really enjoyed this story. They thought it was funny when the dog, tiger, and lion had apples on their head and tried making it harder to hold them up. One of our projects was to roll a dice and put that number of apples on their heads. We put these pictures in the hallway for all to see!

We also read the story called Freight Train by Donald Crews. The children learned about the different kinds of train cars. They learned that trains transport things to other places. Click the link below to listen to the story.

This Week at Salina…

  • Monday, October 23: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, October 24: 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Wednesday, October 25: 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thursday, October 26: 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
    • Wayne County is coming for hearing screening; please make sure your child is on time to school!

Picture Day – November 2!

Picture Day is on Thursday, November 2! Order forms will be available soon. IF you want to buy pictures, please put EXACT CHANGE in the order form envelope. LifeTouch does not give back change. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Week of October 9-12, 2023

Dear Room 108 Families,

We had a fabulous time learning this week. Our theme this week was all about apples! We hope
that your children are sharing these daily events that happen at school with you. The Care to the
Core ending with us being invited to an Apple Crunch with the Salina Elementary students. Boy
was it fun! Many of our students saw their siblings, cousins, and neighbors as we ate our apples

What Did We Learn About This Week?

This week we learned the following letters; Uu,Ii.Tt,and Hh. The students get so excited when they find these letters in their names or in their friend’s names.

The students sorted pom pom balls by their colors with plastic tweezers. Using tweezers helps
build upon their fine motor skills. After sorting the pom poms, they counted the pom pom balls.
Then they had to figure out which color they had the most of.

We have been talking about patterns. We see patterns all around us. Ask your child if they can
find a pattern in your house. The students made patterns with Unifix Cubes. After the students built their pattern, they read it. Some students were even able to add on to their pattern.

Next Week at Salina…

  • Monday, October 16: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, October 17: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Wednesday, October 18: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thursday, October 19: PARENT MEETING @ 8:30 AM!
    • Room 108
    • 8:30 AM SHARP!
    • Bring your child with you
    • Theme: Fine Motor Development
    • REMINDER: Attendance will be taken for this meeting
    • NO SCHOOL after the meeting

Week of October 2-5, 2023

Dear Room 108 Families,

We had another successful week of preschool! The students are learning so much already and are really understanding our routine. Even though it’s been only three weeks, it has been so fun to watch them grow and develop already! To see what we’ve been learning about, keep reading!

What Did We Learn About This Week?

We slowly introduced letters Ll, Ff, and Ee to the students this week. Every morning at Greeting Time/Message Board we introduce a new letter. This week, we simply focused on the letter’s name and what it looks like. As we continue to learn the letters we will learn more about the sound they make, how to write them, and what words start with these letters. I encourage you to talk to your child about these letters at home. Maybe practice writing them with your child! See what they can do!

We’ve been practicing both our fine motor skills AND art skills during small groups. This week we’ve practiced using glue sticks, glue bottles, and scissors. The students have been strengthening their fine motor skills by ripping paper, gluing onto other paper, and cutting with scissors. Check it out!

We read, “Rosie’s Walk,” during Read Aloud this week. We focused on different reading areas throughout the week:

  • Reading the pictures
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Retelling the story

On Monday, the students practiced their reading skills by just reading the pictures. They talked about the different events that were happening on each page. Here were some of the things they said:

  • “The bees are going to pinch the fox!”
  • “The hen (Rosie) is walking.”
  • “Rosie doesn’t see the fox.”
  • “The fox is trying to eat Rosie!”

On Wednesday, we learned about the characters and the setting of the book. The students learned that the characters are people or animals that are in the story. They agreed that the characters were Rosie and the fox. The setting is where the story takes place. The students learned that the setting of this book was the farm.

On Thursday, the students practiced retelling the story with picture cards. As we read the book, the students put the picture cards in order of what happened first, second, third, etc. They loved the book!

Next Week at Salina…

  • Monday, October 9: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, October 10: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Wednesday, October 11: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thursday, October 12: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM

Parent Meeting – October 19

Our next Parent Meeting is coming up on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 8:30 AM. Please remember to bring your child to the meeting. Attendance will be taken this day.

Fun Weekend Activity!

Our students are continuing to work on their fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are the tiny muscles in your fingers and hands. Fine motor development is extremely important in early childhood because their muscles are weak. Fine motor development helps supporting writing, cutting, tying, buttoning and unbuttoning, zipping, and manipulating small objects. A fun way to help build these skills is with Play-Doh! This weekend, have your child play with Play-Doh! Watch as they flatten, pinch, and mold the Play-Doh.

Week of September 25-28, 2023

Second week of school is complete! Thank you all for your support with helping your child have a successful full-day week of school! I say this almost every time… the school year will go by fast. Please see the reminders below for next week.


  • Blankets went home on Thursday. Please wash them and return them to school on Monday.
  • NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, October 3 due to a district Professional Development day.
  • Make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle every day.
  • Make sure your child is bringing their folder in their backpack to school every day.
  • The October 2023 school calendar went home yesterday. Please check your child’s folder if you have not seen it yet.

Next Week at Salina…

  • Monday, October 2: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, October 3: NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, October 4: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thursday, October 5: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM

Weekend Activity

We are continuing to work on the students’ oral language skills. This means that we are practicing using our words to explain our thoughts, feelings, observations, etc. I encourage you to help your child practice their oral language skills at home. One way to do that is by reading books together. Sit with your child and look through some picture books (you can use the books we gave you at the home visit or any other picture books you have at home). Instead of reading the words, have your child “read the pictures.” Have them explain what they see in the pictures of the book. Maybe have your child act out the pictures in the book to increase their oral language skills.

Week of September 18-21, 2023

Our First Week of School: SUCCESS!

Can you believe that we completed our first week of school? Be warned: the year will go fast from here on out! Thank you all for your support for our successful first week of school! Please see below for reminders and our schedule for next week:


  • Bring a blanket for your child next week; we will be starting Rest Time
  • Send your child to school with a water bottle every day
  • Next week is looking a bit chilly; make sure your child is wearing clothes that are best for chilly weather

Next Week at Salina…

  • Monday, September 25: HALF-DAY of School 8:15 AM-11:10 AM
  • Tuesday, September 26: FIRST FULL DAY of School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Wednesday, September 27: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thursday, September 28: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM

Field Trip – Kensington Metro Park

Hello Families,

We are so excited for our field trip to the Kensington Metro Park on Tuesday, May 16!  We will be visiting the park’s farm!  Thank you in advance to those who are able to chaperone.  It will be such a fun time!  Please read this important information regarding the field trip:

  • All students and chaperones must be in the classroom at 9:00 AM!  It is important we are all on time for the bus.
  • We will be back at Salina by 2:30 PM.
  • Please pack a healthy lunch for you and your child.  Please avoid the following food items, as there are students with air-borne allergies: peanuts, peanut butter, and tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, etc.).
  • Please pack your child and yourself a water bottle.
  • IF there are vending machines, please be mindful of what you purchase.  As mentioned, there are students with air-borne allergies.

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you in advance and we are looking forward to our field trip!


Mrs. Paulisin, Mrs. Askar, Mrs. Lawson, & Ms. Elgabri

Week of April 24-27, 2023

Dear Room 108 Families,

The end of the year is quickly approaching! Thank you all for your continued effort and support as your child completes their first school experience! Next year, your child will be enrolled in Kindergarten or Young 5’s. Please read the announcement about Kindergarten Round Up:


Kindergarten Round Up for Salina Elementary is on Wednesday, May 3rd at 8:30 AM SHARP! All parents should attend if you are planning to send your child to Salina Elementary for Kindergarten or Young 5’s.

You will drop off your child to school at 8:15 AM SHARP. After you drop off your child, please go to the Salina Elementary cafeteria. While you are at the meeting, our class will be visiting a Kindergarten classroom! When the meeting is over, our class will return to our classroom for a regular day of school.


REMINDER: We will have our end of the year home visits on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, May 10th
  • Thursday, May 11th
  • Monday, May 22nd
  • Tuesday, May 23rd


REMINDER: Our field trip to the Kensington Metro Park is on Tuesday, May 16! If you would like to chaperone, please let me know ASAP!


  • Monday, May 1: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, May 2: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Wednesday, May 3: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM KINDERGARTEN ROUND UP @ 8:30 AM
  • Thursday, May 4: School 8: 15 AM-3:00 PM

Week of April 10-13, 2023

Hello Room 108 Families,

Have you been enjoying this beautiful weather? I sure have! We have spent a lot of time outside this week. We also got a chance to visit our school garden! The students worked hard cleaning up the garden from trash and weeds with Mrs. Gorman! Our students really love to help out!

As a friendly reminder, please make sure you are sending your child to school with a water bottle every day! Now that the weather is getting warmer, it is important that your child stays hydrated at school. Also, please make sure that your child is wearing clothes and shoes that are appropriate for the weather. We want to make sure your child is not too hot or too cold at school. Please do not send your child to school with sandals or open-toe shoes. This can be a hazard and your child can get hurt, especially if their shoes slip off or someone steps on their toes. Thank you!

Home Visits: May 10th, 11th, 22nd, and 23rd

REMINDER: We will have our end of the year home visits on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, May 10th
  • Thursday, May 11th
  • Monday, May 22nd
  • Tuesday, May 23rd

If you have not signed up for a date, please see me ASAP so we can get you signed up. We do not have school on home visit dates.

Field Trip: Tuesday, May 16

We are taking a field trip to Kensington Metro Park on Tuesday, May 16 from 9:30 am-2:30 pm! We are very excited to go! Permission slips are available. If you did not sign the permission slip, please see me ASAP!

We are still looking for chaperones to attend the trip. If you are interested, please let me know! We highly encourage chaperones to attend, as it is a great opportunity to learn with your child. More detailed information about our field trip will be available as we get closer to the date.

What Did We Learn About This Week?

Science, science, and more science! The students were scientists this week as they explored different scientific phenomenon. We had a lot of fun experiments, such as:

  • Sound travel
  • Ramps and friction
  • Ice melting
  • Magnets

The students practiced their science skills by making predictions about what would happen during each experiment and make conclusions for their findings. It was so fun!

We reviewed letters N, O, P, and Q this week! The students checked to see if these letters were in their names. We also reviewed words that start with these letters by playing the game we played during the Parent Meeting! It is truly amazing how hard our students are working!

Next Week at Salina…

  • Monday, April 17: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, April 18: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Wednesday, April 19: School 8:15 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thursday, April 20: NO SCHOOL!

Fun Weekend Activity Idea!

I encourage you to keep the science going at home! Since we are expecting beautiful weather this weekend, take the science outside! One of the experiments we talked about this week was ice melting. What else can melt? I encourage you and your child to take items outside and see if they melt. Ask your child some of these questions:

  • “Tell me about what you see?”
  • “This item melted and this one did not. I wonder how that happened. What do you think?”
  • “Which items do you think will melt? Why do you think that is?”
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