8th Grade ELA
The Monkeys Paw_FULL TEXT
Raymond’s Run Full Text Pg. 38
CCR sheet includes:
-Response to all CCR questions
-6 Vocabulary words defined
1) Literary Devices Vocabulary Quizlet
2) Simple-Compound-and-Complex-Sentences-in
3) Types-of-Sentences-PowerPoint-Activity-and-answers
4) The Eight Parts of Speech- Final PP
PG. 198
The Outsiders
A link to Mrs. Houssaiky’s Blog: https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/houssaiky/
Intro: The_Outsiders_PowerPoint
Theme in Poetry_Prezi
1) Lit Circle Group Assignmentd 2015-2016 2) Lit Circle Role Sheet 3) Literature Circle Notes Worksheet
Outsiders Chapter 1-6 Vocab Quiz
Foure Square
Lit Circle Role Sheet
Audio Book Chapters: https://misslewisreading.weebly.com/the-outsiders-audio-chapters.html
Audio Book #2: https://monteromyp2english.wikispaces.com/Audio+The+Outsiders
New York Times: The Outsiders: 40 Years Later
The Diary of Anne Frank Full Text (1)
Vocab Map_DiaryofAnneFrank (1)
CCR Questions PG 1
Anne Frank Questions 15-37
Prezi: Internal vs. External Conflict
Scene Summaries for The Diary of Anne Frank Play
- https://www.factslides.com/s-Holocaust
Southern Poverty Law Center —>Hate Map
A Brief History
The Auschwitz Album
Tour of the Secret Annex
HolocaustIntroduction Gallery Walk
The Medicine Bag & Who Are You Today, Maria?
Study Guide distributed on Fri. Mar. 4th, 2016 Due on Monday
Click Here—> Cultural Identity Collage
CCR Assignment
Vocab Map Word List:
- authentic
- commotion
- unseemly
- descendant
- sheepishly
- conspiracy
M-step Argumentative Essay
Grade 8 Argumentative Performance Task: Penny
Paraphrase all 4 sources (articles)
Complete Part 1: Assessment Items (pg. 8)
Sample IBC Penny Argument
IBC Organizer
Timeline Project
- Create a Timeline to illustrate the stops of The Underground Railroad from the plantation to Canada.
- Identify the stop location by name, location and important names at each stop.
- Write a detailed description of significant information for each location, using at least one of the vocabulary words in context. Highlight the 8 vocabulary words on your poster.
- Include an appropriate illustration for each panel.
- Include a Map Key
- Harriet_Tubman_Full_Text
- Harriet Tubman Vocab Map
- Harriet Tubman CCR Sheet
- HarrietTubman Booklet
- Underground_Railroad__The_William_Still_Story
- William Still Story Google Quiz
Practice. Practice. Practice!
Types of Sentences Practice Quiz #1
Types of Sentences Rules Practice Quiz #2
8 Parts of Speech Quizlet #3
Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory & Imperative Sentences Quizlet #4
IXL Grammar Practice_Click Here
Jan. 14th, 2016 Group Assignment 30 pts
With Table Group: Using the same directions from below, write a story together.
(The story can’t use more than one sentence from each person’s paper).
Jan. 13th, 2016 HOMEWORK 20 pts
Independently: Write a short story using one simple, one compound, one complex, and one compound/complex sentence. Story must have an interjection.
- Skip Lines
- Label the types of sentences in the blank space above your sentence.
Jan. 11th, 2016 8 Parts of Speech
The Eight Parts of Speech- Midterm Review
Jan. 6th, 2016 Types of Sentences Homework
Notes Slides: Simple-Compound-and-Complex-Sentences-in
- Write 10 Simple Sentences – underline the simple subject, circle the verb.
- Write 10 Compound Sentences- underline the simple subjects, circle the conjunction (FANBOY).
Dec. 14, 2015 I AM Poem
Front Page I AM POEM PART 1
Back Page I AM POEM PART 2
Dec. 1, 2015 The Hitchhiker Pg. 92
The Hitchhiker Full Text
Homework: The HItchhiker CCR Sheet
Nov. 23, 2015 Poetic Devices in Katy Perry- Firework Lyrics
Fireworks_Katy Perry Handout
Nov. 2, 2015 The Raven_FULL TEXT
–Notes: 1) Poetic Devices Vocabulary List 2) The Raven_Glossary
– Assignments: 1) Poetic Devices_Vocab Map
The Raven: A Literary Analysis
Click Here–> Poetic Devices_Power Point Slides
Test Yourself–> Poetic Devices Test- Quizlet
Oct. 27, 2015 The Monkeys Paw_FULL TEXT
– Assignments: – C.C.R (A-H) & Vocab
Oct. 14, 2015 The Tell Tale Heart Full Text
– Assignments: – C.C.R & Vocab Map_T.T HEART
–Diamond Summary Rubric_Tell Tale Heart
Animated Video:
Oct. 12, 2015 The Lesson of the Moth & Identity Poem Full Text
Assignments: – C.C.R & T2T
Watch this:
Oct. 6, 2015 Us and Them FULL TEXT
Assignments: – C.C.R & Us & Them Vocab Map
– Types of Irony Notes: Irony Notes PowerPoint
Assignments: – Story Map/Plot Diagram
– Vocab Maps
– C.C.R Questions
Sept. 10, 2015 Vision Board Slides
Final Exam
Practice. Practice. Practice.
Final Exam Quizlet – Figurative Language
ANSWER KEY– Practice Test
1) Due Mon. Jun.1st Plot Diagram- Group Activity
In your literature circle, all members will collaboratively create a Plot Diagram for The Breadwinner, on a large poster board. Details will be discussed in class.
2) Due Tues. Jun. 2nd The Sequel- Independent Activity
The conclusion of The Breadwinner presents a cliffhanger – the perfect invitation for an exciting sequel to be written continuing Parvana’s adventures. Deborah Ellis, in fact, has written a sequel to this novel entitled Parvana’s Journey. Describe what you think will happen to Parvana and her family in the sequel to The Breadwinner. Write the first chapter of your own sequel to The Breadwinner and then a brief summary of the rest of your book.
The Breadwinner
M-Step Prep – Performance Task: Penny
1. https://prezi.com/dcq4bycwyc4a/the-history-of-money/
2. Evolution of Money Timeline
3. MSTEP_Performance Task_Penny_Argumentative
M-Step Essay Homework
One page typed and due by
1. MSTEP Performance Task Narrative Essay
The Diary of Anne Frank
1. The Diary of Anne Frank Full Text (1)
2. Vocab Map_DiaryofAnneFrank (1)
3. Story Map Diary of Anne Frank
Harriet Tubman Full Story
***Midterm ***
Topics to Review:
1) Types of Sentences: Simple, Compound, Complex & Compound-Complex: Simple-Compound-and-Complex-Sentences-in
2) 8 Parts of Speech: Parts of Speech Notes
3) Kinds of Sentences: Kinds-of-Sentences-Flash-Cards (1)
Copy & Paste for Prezi:
The Necklace
The Big Question