11th Grade ELA 5/6
The Crucible
by Arthur Miller
Thinking Maps
Tree Map Powerpoint
What is a Motif?
The Great Gatsby Audio book
The primary purpose of Kelly Gallagher’s article of the week assignment is to help my students gain knowledge about the world. Students will be assigned an article every Friday to begin reading and “Talking to the Text” in class. Article of the Week assignments are due every Monday.
Article of the Week Requirements:
- Show evidence of close reading by providing at least 10 annotations. Click here for>> Annotation Ideas
- Highlight unfamiliar vocbulary
- Respond to the Reading Analysis Questions. Click Here>>Article of the Week_Rhetorical-Analysis-Questions-SAT
- Complete a Summary-Page_Article_of_the_Week and/or AOW Response Sheet
Below you’ll find a list of articles I’ll be pulling from during the 2018-2019 school year.
2. AoW_Vaping
3. AoW_Bats
4. AoW_Cancer
5. halloween-biz-12564-article_and_quiz
Informational Text Links
- Stuart Jr. Blog
- Google News
- Reuters
- Kelly Gallagher_ Article of the Week Sit
- NEWSELA CLASS LINK: https://newsela.com/quickjoin/#/XYXSH7
- Class Code: XYXSH7
- Class Code: XYXSH7