Today is your last day of first grade! I am so happy I got to be your teacher this year. You are an amazing bunch of children and I miss all of you so much! ❤️ Stay safe and keep working hard on your reading, writing and math over the summer. Continue going on iReady and Zearn for at least 45 minutes each week.
I hope you had a fun time going on the adventures I planned for us this week. Let’s go on one last trip together. Today you can choose where you would like to go on your virtual field trip. You can visit a crayon factory, the Hershey’s Chocolate factory, or the LEGO factory to see how these things are made. If you are curious, you can visit all three. Everything you need for our trip can be found in Google Classroom. Clever
Make sure you write about your day to share the fun with me. Go to Google Classroom to find the link to our last field trip. Clever
Here is the work I would like you to finish today:
Go on iReady for 10 minutes today. Clever
Writing: Finish your memory book.
Math: Go on Zearn for 10 minutes.
If your parents would like you to keep working in your math book, bookmark the following links for the lessons that go with our module lessons. We missed a lot of lessons due to the school closure, so it may be a good idea to work on as many lessons as you and during the summer. It will help you get ready for an amazing year in second grade.