Happy Thursday! All of your work is due by 8:00 tomorrow morning if you would like to be a Super-Duper Star Student this week. You will not have any work to do tomorrow and on Monday. Enjoy the long, holiday weekend. Eid Mubarak to my friends celebrating this weekend.
iReady Clever. Make sure you reached your 45 minute goal this week.
Go on Kids A-Z and pick one book to read. When you finish the story, click on the ? to answer questions about the book.
Reading: Watch the video Comparing and Contrasting with The Little Red Hen. Next, answer the questions about the lesson on Google Classroom. Clever
Spelling โ Take your spelling test today. Spelling City. Make sure to use lowercase letters when you type your answers.
Math โ Watch the video for Module 4, Lesson 10. Next, go on Google Classroom to solve the problems online or use your Learn Module 4 Eureka math book to solve the problems on your practice book pages. Clever
Go on Zearn for 15 minutes today. You should have 45 minutes to reach your goal this week.
Scienceโ Watch the video Edpuzzle|Why Do Baby Animals Look So Cute? on Google Classroom. The video will pause and display questions for you to answer throughout the lesson. Make sure you watch the whole video. There is a question at the end of the video. Clever
Don’t forget about Mrs. Burek’s Message from yesterday: Hi everyone! Doug from Mystery Science is doing a live broadcast on Thursday at 1:00. If you would like to watch it, you can click on the link from my Google Classroom.
Special Area Class Today: Music and Physical Education
Visit Mr. Keramaris’ and Mr. Loconsole’s Google Classrooms today. You can find the link to Google Classroom on Clever.