Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fool's Day 2014 Clipart Photos and Images | Happy Holidays 2014

Happy April Fools’ Day! Did you think of some funny jokes to share with me? Email them to me so I can laugh all day long. To email me, go to your Gmail account through Clever. My email address is

Here is a good joke I want to share with you.

Where do hamburgers go to dance? They go to the meat-ball. 🙂

What is April fools’s Day? This video will explain this silly tradition.

Have a fun day! Here is the work I would like you to do today:

Morning Work – Complete page 133 today. Morning Work

iReady– Go on iReady for at least 15 minutes today. Work carefully so your score is at least 85%. Clever

Spelling – Pick one game you would like to play today on  Spelling City.

MathiReady At-Home Packet Complete pages 20-21. iReady Math Packet

Science / Writing – Watch the video How a Seed Grows by Helen Jordan.

When you are done, write five sentences about plants and seeds in your journal.

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Dav Pilkey At Home

Dav Pilkey is sharing some fun things for you to explore. He is the author of many books, including Dragon, Captain Underpants and Dog Man. Link

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