
Past Presidents Leadership Scholarship

This award is presented annually to one or more students graduating from one or more of Dearborn’s Public High Schools. The Scholarship was created initially through the generosity of Dr. Robert Young, Dearborn Rotarian and past Dearborn Public Schools teacher and administrator. Dr. Young also served as a President of the Dearborn Rotary Club. Scholarship funds continue to grow as a testimony to Past Dearborn Rotary Club Presidential leadership.

The graduating students applying for this scholarship must clearly illustrate their qualifications regarding academic achievement, their demonstration of leadership skills, commitment to community service and their understanding and application in their life of the ethical standards found in Rotary’s Four Way Test. If necessary, the Selection Committee may also request that the applicants go through an interview process to help with the selection of the winners.


The Past Presidents Leadership Scholarship is $3,000 per student. The award is to be used for the student’s tuition at an accredited Michigan college or university, and a check will be sent to the college or university the student is attending.


The student(s) selected by the Dearborn Rotary Club’s Selection Committee will exemplify the principles found in Rotary’s Four Way Test:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

In addition to the above the Selection Committee will base its selection on the student’s academic achievement (class standing, GPA, SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement courses). Also, the Selection Committee will review the student’s demonstrated leadership skills in school and in the community. The Selection Committee will pay attention to the community service record of the applicants. Honors and awards achieved by the applicants will also be considered.


Click here to download the scholarship application.

Harry A. Sisson Memorial Scholarship

$9,500 Scholarship Award

Presented to
An Outstanding Senior attending a public or private high school in Dearborn, Michigan who, through leadership, ethical example and service to the community, best exemplifies the ideals and Object of Rotary

The Dearborn Rotary Club, through the Dearborn Rotary Foundation, awards each year a scholarship to an outstanding Dearborn public or private high school graduating senior. This gift is made possible through an endowment provided by the Harry A. Sisson Foundation and is known as the Harry A. Sisson Memorial Annual Scholarship Award.

Harry Sisson (1890-1961) and his wife, Ariel (1890-1974), lived much of their adult lives in Dearborn. Although the couple was childless, they are widely remembered for their interest in and concern for young people. “Youth,” Mr. Sisson was fond of pointing out, “is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.”

Harry Sisson’s material success came as a builder of residential and commercial property in the Dearborn area, but his personal philosophy in life was patterned after the principles of Rotary, and he lived by the Rotary motto, “Service Above Self.” His contribution to the communities in which he lived and worked is worthy of emulation by young people today.

He was elected city clerk of Highland Park in 1917 and joined the Rotary Club in that city as a charter member soon, thereafter, serving as its second president. Community involvement became a way of life early on for Mr. Sisson, as it does for most Rotarians. In 1925 he was elected president of the United Builders of Detroit. Soon he followed in the footsteps of Henry Ford, moving from Highland Park to Dearborn, where one of his early efforts was to help found the Dearborn Board of Realtors in 1926. He served as secretary, then president of the Board for a full decade, and during that same time was president of Dearborn Association of Insurance Agents and the Dearborn Rotary Club. In 1941 the Dearborn Chamber of Commerce granted Harry Sisson its Merit Award. He also was named Layman of the Year by the Dearborn YMCA.

A sudden heart attack, suffered while on a business trip in western Michigan, cut short the career of this outstanding civic leader. Not only did his contemporaries, many of whom are active in the Rotary Club today, mourn his passing; the entire city knew that it had lost a community champion and a friend. The late Mayor Orville Hubbard of Dearborn commented that Harry Sisson “was a very generous man who worked hard for success and gave much of the fruits of his labor back to the community – through various charitable projects and scholarships established in his trust fund.”

Harry Sisson’s dedication to philanthropy and to young people was his way of urging succeeding generations to strive for success, then to share it with those less fortunate. He knew that Dearborn, like other American communities, needed the moral and ethical guidance of dedicated citizen leadership.

What motivated the Marlette-born youngster to drive himself to become a successful real estate broker, insurance agent and home builder? Obviously, espousing the precepts of Rotary in two different communities had much to do with it. But was there something more? Mr. Sisson lived in an epoch of intense social change and upheaval. During his too-short lifetime this country became involved in five major wars, from the Spanish-American to the early days of Viet Nam. Punctuate those happenings with the Great Depression of the ‘30s, then vote in and later repeal the 18th (Prohibition) Amendment to the Constitution, and you begin to sense the need to affix oneself to stability. Rotary did this for Harry, as did community service.

During his lifetime, the U.S. evolved from its last Indian war (the Battle of Wounded Knee, 1891) to the age of electricity, radio, the automobile, motion pictures, nuclear energy and the conquest of space. Television, submarines and zippers were invented after his birth. He lived during the administration of 13 presidents (Benjamin Harrison to John F. Kennedy) and six popes (Leo XIII to John XXIII).

Harry and Ariel Sisson not only coped with the changing world they lived in, but they also made the commitment to help those less fortunate than themselves. Thus, was born the Sisson Foundation; its generous and charitable philosophy has made life easier for a host of deserving people, from students to senior citizens.

In establishing this endowment, the Rotary Club of Dearborn’s Harry A. Sisson Memorial Annual College Scholarship Award, the foundation trustees felt that a better understanding of the man behind the money would be important to those who select the candidates, as well as to the exceptional high school graduate selected each year.

Student Selection Committee

  • A committee of five members will be formed each year composed of: Four leading members of the Rotary Club of Dearborn
  • The most recent recipient of the Harry A. Sisson Rotarian of the Year Award.

Award Criteria for Scholarship Recipient Selection

The student selected by the Dearborn Rotary Club Selection Committee will best exemplify the “service to others” precepts of Rotary, as embodied in the Club’s:

  • Object of Rotary
  • Rotary Code of Conduct Rotary Four-Way Test

The scholarship recipient shall be a high school senior attending a Dearborn, Michigan public or private high school, endorsed by the high school’s principal and the student’s advisor, for specific altruistic community service and leadership achievements that qualify him/her for the award.

The specific achievements cited shall reflect the student’s recognition that high ethical and moral standards are necessary for the fullest satisfaction in academic, personal, and business life.

The scholarship recipient shall have demonstrated the following during his/her high school years:

  • Leadership among his/her high school peers. (Top 5% of the class).
  • Determination and ability to achieve academically. (Top 10% of the class).
  • Ability and desire to live a life of high ethical standards. (Top 10% of the class).

The Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.

SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life.

FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

The Four-Way Test

“Of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?”

The Rotary Code of Conduct


  • Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities.
  • Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary.
  • Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others.
  • Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with respect due to them as fellow human beings.
  • Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society.
  • Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community.
  • Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians.
  • Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship


Click here to download the scholarship application.

Hugh M. Archer Scholarship

Hugh Archer Memorial Scholarship
Two $5,000 Awards

Two scholarships, each valued at $5,000, are awarded to exceptional graduating students from public or private high schools in the Dearborn School District or attending the DPS Early College, Career Technical Education Programs or Virtual High School. Recipients are selected based on academic achievement, leadership, community service, and adherence to the ethical standards of the Rotary 4-Way Test. These scholarships support the students’ enrollment at an accredited college or university.

Hugh M. Archer
June 22, 1916  July 15, 2005

Rotary International President 1989-1990 General Secretary, Rotary International Rotary International Director 1975-1977 District Governor, D640 1969-1970

Past President, Dearborn Rotary Club

Hugh M. Archer will always have a special place in our memories as one of our own District 6400 Rotarians who went on to be a great leader of Rotary International and who enjoyed Rotary to the fullest.

Hugh served as President of Rotary International in 1989-1990 and served as its General Secretary. A Rotarian since 1951, he was a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Dearborn, Michigan. Hugh served Rotary International as a District Governor of D-640 in 1969-1970 and was a director in 1975-1977.

Hugh was chairman of Spiratex Company, a plastics extrusion company. He was chairman or director of several financial firms. He served his Country in the U.S. Navy during World War II in Europe. Hugh was a registered professional engineer who received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In his community, Hugh was active with the YMCABoy Scouts of America, and the Dearborn Schools.  He also served as a Director of Henry Ford Hospital.

Hugh Archer was a husband and father, an inventor, businessman, executive, scientist, ham radio operator, engineer, sportsman, attorney, researcher, community leader, Rotarian, banker, humanitarian, inspirational leader. Hugh is survived by his three daughters, June, Ruth, and Lucy.


The scholarship recipient shall be a high school senior attending a public or private high school, Early College, or Career Technical Education program within the Dearborn School District boundaries.

Selection will be based on:

  1. Academic achievement (Class standing, GPA, SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement Courses)
  2. Leadership in class and extra-curricular activities
  3. Service experience at school and throughout the community
  4. Honors and Awards
  5. Exemplification of the Rotary Four-Way Test:

Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


  • Applicant will pull application off the Dearborn Rotary website (, prepare the application, and mail the application with other requested documents to: Dearborn Rotary | Hugh Archer Scholarship
    P.O. Box 2347
    Dearborn, MI 48123
  • The Chair of the Hugh Archer Scholarship committee and two other appointed Rotarians act as the judging panel.
  • The winner will be notified by mail and e-mail; other applicants will be notified by e-mail only.
  • The winners must download and submit the “Scholarship Funds Request Form” found on the website under the “Scholarships” tab. Application specifies deadline for submitting form.
  • The winner will be invited to attend an evening Rotary Celebration Event in April/May to receive appropriate recognition.
  • Applications must be postmarked on or before February 3, 2025.
  • Application and enclosed documents will NOT be returned.


Click Here to download the Archer Scholarship Application

Otto J. Rowen Scholarship

Picture of Otto J. Rowen

The Otto J. Rowen Scholarships are made possible by the Otto J. Rowen trust fund administered by the Dearborn Rotary Foundation. Mr. Rowen was a former Dearborn teacher, administrator at Woodworth School and Rotarian. For 2024/2025, there will be up to 15 scholarships awarded at $2,500 each. The students awarded are the best representatives of each vocational area, are interested in pursuing a career in their chosen vocation, have potential for future success in their field, and are recommended by their vocational instructors.

The Rotary Club of Dearborn through its Foundation states that the scholarship funds may be used for classes, tuition, books, school fees and specialized equipment needed for the related vocational program for each student. The unique aspect of this scholarship/grant is that the student who is not planning to attend college or pursue additional formalized training can use the money for equipment needed in his or her field. Only students from the Dearborn School System are eligible.

This scholarship is awarded through collaboration between the Dearborn Rotary Club and the Dearborn Public Schools Career and Technical Education (CTE), Collegiate Academy (CA), and Early College Program (ECP).  CTE, CA and ECP inform students of the scholarship availability.  Teachers will either select students to apply, or they’ll ask all to apply.  The students will complete the application, and the teachers and counselors will add their comments to the application.  The information is bundled and given to the award committee (3 Rotarians, 3 CTE Staff, and 1 ECP Staff) for selection of the winners.  Winners will be invited to an April/May Rotary Celebration Event to be awarded their scholarship.

The application process and deadline will be managed by the Dearborn Public Schools CTE Program.  Applications should be available about December 1 with a link posted here when the application is active.

If you have received notice that you have been awarded a scholarship, and are looking to receive the money, please complete the following form. Requests should be submitted after July 1st in the year you received the scholarship. Scholarship Fund Request

October 10


*If you do not currently receive the weekly Scholarship Newsletter, please signup here:

$20,000 (5 Awards)
Science Ambassador Scholarship
Deadline: December 16, 2024
For Eligibility: Click Here

$5,000 (4 Awards)
Able Flight Scholarships
Deadline: December 31, 2024
For Eligibility: Click Here

$500 (2 Awards)
Sebastian-Tunis Foundation Book Scholarship
Deadline: January 1, 2025
For Eligibility: Click Here

$1,000 (2 Awards)
Antibodies Online Annual University Scholarship
Deadline: January 20, 2025
For Eligibility: Click Here
4410 Massachusetts Ave NW #250
Washington, DC, 20016

Featured Scholarships

$25,000 (1 Award)
Be Bold Scholarship
Deadline: October 1, 2024
For Eligibility: Click Here

$10,000 (1 Award)
CollegeXpress Scholarship
Deadline: September 30, 2024
For Eligibility: Click Here

$50,000 (1 Award)
Niche Scholarships
Deadline: December 31, 2024
For Eligibility: Click Here

$2,000 (12 Awards)
SM Scholarship
Deadline: October 31, 2024
For Eligibility: Click Here

$1,000 (50 Awards)
ScholarshipOwl No Essay Scholarship
Deadline: October 29, 2024
For Eligibility: Click Here


DEADLINES BETWEEN: September 30th & December 31st
, 2024

1) Coca-Cola Scholars Program – $20,000 – 150 Awards (Deadline: September 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a current high school student who will graduate during the 2024-2025 year.
B) Be a US Citizens, US National, Permanent Resident, Refugee, Asylee, or be of Cuban-Haitian decent.
Applications can be found by going to:

2) Niche College Scholarship – $25,000 – 1 Award (Deadline: September 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a senior in high school or a current college student.
B) Be attending or planning to attend college or university in 2025.
Applications can be found by going to:

3) CollegeXpress Scholarship – $10,000 – 1 Award (Deadline: September 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be 13 years of age or older and a legal resident of the United States.
B) Be currently attending high school, college, vocational, or any other accredited post-secondary institution.
Applications can be found by going to:
4410 Massachusetts Ave NW #250
Washington, DC, 20016

4) Sallie Mae Scholarship – $2,000 – 12 Awards (Deadline: September 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be enrolled as a high school junior or senior and intend to enroll in an accredited college or university
located with the United States, within a year of graduating high school.
A) Be 17 or older at the time of submission.
Applications can be found by going to:
5) Be Bold Scholarship – $25,000 – 1 Award (Deadline: October 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be in Grade 12 and plan on enrolling in college by the fall of 2025.
B) Have a GPA of at least 2.5.
Applications can be found by going to:
6) Women’s Ministries Scholarship Program – $20,000 – 49 Awards (Deadline: October 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be planning to attend a Seventh-day Adventist college.
B) Identify as a woman.
Applications can be found by going to:
7) National Space Club Scholarship – $20,000 – 1 Award (Deadline: November 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a senior in high school.
B) Have the intention of pursuing a career in the STEM fields.
Applications can be found by going to:
4410 Massachusetts Ave NW #250
Washington, DC, 20016
8) Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship – $55,000 – 40 Awards (Deadline: November 14, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a high-achieving high school senior with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
B) Have financial need and plan to attend a four-year college.
Applications can be found by going to:
9) Students with Disabilities Scholarship – $5,000 – 1 Award (Deadline: November 15, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be enrolled at an accredited college, university, or high school in the United States.
B) Have a documented disability.
Applications can be found by going to:

10) 10 Words or Less Scholarship – $1,000 – 1 Award (Deadline: November 15, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be between the ages of 14-25 and be attending school in the Fall of 2025.
B) Submit a response to the essay prompt.
Applications can be found by going to:

11) Common App Scholarship – $2,000 – 2 Awards (Deadline: November 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be in Grade 11 or Grade 12.
B) Have achieved a GPA of 2.5 or greater during their last academic year.
Applications can be found by going to:
4410 Massachusetts Ave NW #250
Washington, DC, 20016

12) American Rocketry Challenge – $20,000 – 10 Awards (Deadline: December 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be part of a team of three to ten students in Grade 6-12.
B) Build a model rocket that carries one large hen egg to an altitude of 850 feet, stays airborne for between 42
and 45 seconds, and returns the rocket to the ground safely.
Applications can be found by going to:

LAHC Scholarship Program- 2024AY

LAHC is proud and privileged to be recognized as a leading advocate of higher education and to have the distinction of offering one of the largest scholarship assistance programs in the area. Throughout the past thirty-two years, LAHC has awarded nearly 2 million dollars in academic scholarships to area students. 

Who May Apply? Senior High School Students

Applications for graduating seniors open in January 2024 and close in March 2024. Application deadline is March 31st!

Scholarship funding is limited and completion of an application does not guarantee an award.

Scholarship Amount:
Please read carefully:
The monetary value of the scholarship varies from one academic institution to another, pending the matching agreement we have in place with these universities. The LAHC portion of the scholarship is sent directly to the college/university, deposited directly into the students’ account, and matched by that particular university accordingly. Recipients who choose to switch universities after applying for the scholarship risk altering the final monetary value of the scholarship received.

General Criteria:

  1. Scholarship applicant must be a U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States and reside in the state of Michigan
  2. Senior High School Students
  3. Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 GPA or higher
  4. Demonstrate financial need

Required Documents:

All required documents must be submitted electronically by the student, along with the scholarship application at one time. Applications submitted via email, mail or delivered by hand will be rejected. No exceptions!

Below is a list of the required documents/Information:

  • Online Application form
  • Most recent Academic Transcripts
  • A copy of your current Student Aid Report (SAR). Report must include the EFC number (expected family contribution). The EFC number is an essential part of the scholarship selection process. To obtain the SAR with the EFC, you must submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the U.S. Department of Education. You can submit your application on the internet at Submit your FAFSA as soon as possible so that you can receive your SAR on time to meet the deadline.
  • A 500-word essay:
    TELL US ABOUT A TIME YOU STEPPED UP AS A LEADER. Please provide a clear example of when you took on a leadership role, and what leadership qualities you have. Tell us what happened and how your involvement made a difference. Here, you can also highlight special accomplishments or recognitions you have received. Students often hire essaynow essay writers when they need to write or edit a paper.
  • List any extracurricular activities and community involvement/services

Click Here To Apply

$2,500 for Children of AFSA Members Attending College for the First Time in 2024Apply TodayThe Diann Woodard Scholarship is available exclusively to children of AFSA members in good standing. The online application is now open. The General Executive Board selects five awardees each year based on academic excellence, passion for volunteerism and display of exceptional work ethic. The program helps students continue their education journey by awarding a one-time $2,500 college tuition scholarship to outstanding high school seniors. An applicant must be a graduating high school senior who will be attending college for the first time in 2024.Students who apply must clearly express their goals for the future and appropriately tie these goals to their higher education aspirations. The application deadline is March 28, 2024.To apply, visit: more about the 2023 scholarship honorees by clicking here.


Red Wagon Fund


The Issam and Dr. Rima Abbas Endowed Scholarship is awarded to exceptionally driven and talented senior high school students at Fordson High School. The intent of this scholarship is to support motivated Fordson High School students who wish to make a difference in the world and who demonstrate a commitment to higher education. It is anticipated that each student will be awarded $1,000-$2,500. The fund will make all grant distributions directly to the student’s affiliated college or university once they are enrolled. All colleges and universities must be accredited.View full application instructions here

Applications are now open. You must download and review the application instructions before submitting. Applications due at 11:59pm on Monday, March 11, 2024.

Bank of America logo
Be the generation to serve, inspire and change the world
Through our Student Leaders® program, we annually connect more than 300 community-minded high school juniors and seniors from nearly 100 communities throughout the U.S. to employment, skills
Student Leaders will:Work as a paid intern at a local nonprofit for eight weeksAttend the weeklong Student Leaders Summit in Washington, D.C.Develop leadership and career skillsConnect with like-minded students from your own community and across the countryCurrent Juniors and Seniors:Apply through January 17, 2024Apply today
We are looking for the next generation of community change-makers. If you or someone you know is a current junior or senior in high school and have a passion for improving the community, join us for an information session to learn more about the application process and program details.  This session is open to prospective applicants, parents, guardians, guidance counselors and advisors.
To learn more:Please visit our website to learn if you or a student you know is eligible for the program and to review our FAQs.For additional information, we invite you to listen to a replay of an information session. Registration via this link is quick and easy but must be completed prior to listening.Click here to apply for Student Leaders through January 17

Carnegie Mellon’s Pre-College Programs offers world-class instruction on a beautiful university campus! We invite you to learn more about our twelve academic programs at our upcoming virtual Discover Sessions. Discover how our programs can help your students prepare for the college experience while exploring their educational and career options.

Drama and Music
Monday, January 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

AI Scholars, CS Scholars and Summer Academy for Math and Science
Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Architecture, Art and Design
Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Art and Writing & Culture
Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Our programs vary in length and all offer scholarships. Participants must be rising juniors or rising seniors during the summer of 2024, and they must be 16 years of age by the program start date. Programs begin in June 2024. 

Register here, and please feel free to share this email with your students and families.


Marjorie C. Dawkins
Assistant Director of Enrollment Management
Carnegie Mellon’s Pre-College Programs

Rosa Parks Scholarship ($2,500) application is now available on our website:   

This is an annual scholarship, and we would encourage your school to ensure that our scholarship (and website) is included on your master list of scholarships.  This scholarship is open to all Michigan high school seniors.

The application is also available (you can copy/paste into your browser) at: 

                                                      Apply | Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation     

The deadline for filing is March 1, 2024.  Scholarship winners will be announced in mid-May.  

If you have questions or problems concerning the application, please email us at:

If you received this email in error, we would appreciate your sharing with the correct individual, or let us know and we will try to find the proper contact for the school.

Thank you,

The Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation

Hugh M. Archer Scholarship

Hugh Archer Memorial Scholarship
Two $4,500 Awards

Two scholarships, each valued at $4,500, are awarded to exceptional graduating students from public or private high schools in the Dearborn School District or attending the DPS Early College, Career Technical Education Programs or Virtual High School. Recipients are selected based on academic achievement, leadership, community service, and adherence to the ethical standards of the Rotary 4-Way Test. These scholarships support the students’ enrollment at an accredited college or university.

Hugh M. Archer
June 22, 1916  July 15, 2005

Rotary International President 1989-1990 General Secretary, Rotary International Rotary International Director 1975-1977 District Governor, D640 1969-1970

Past President, Dearborn Rotary Club

Hugh M. Archer will always have a special place in our memories as one of our own District 6400 Rotarians who went on to be a great leader of Rotary International and who enjoyed Rotary to the fullest.

Hugh served as President of Rotary International in 1989-1990 and served as its General Secretary. A Rotarian since 1951, he was a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Dearborn, Michigan. Hugh served Rotary International as a District Governor of D-640 in 1969-1970 and was a director in 1975-1977.

Hugh was chairman of Spiratex Company, a plastics extrusion company. He was chairman or director of several financial firms. He served his Country in the U.S. Navy during World War II in Europe. Hugh was a registered professional engineer who received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In his community, Hugh was active with the YMCABoy Scouts of America, and the Dearborn Schools.  He also served as a Director of Henry Ford Hospital.

Hugh Archer was a husband and father, an inventor, businessman, executive, scientist, ham radio operator, engineer, sportsman, attorney, researcher, community leader, Rotarian, banker, humanitarian, inspirational leader. Hugh is survived by his three daughters, June, Ruth, and Lucy.


The scholarship recipient shall be a high school senior attending a public or private high school, Early College, or Career Technical Education program within the Dearborn School District boundaries.

Selection will be based on:

  1. Academic achievement (Class standing, GPA, SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement Courses)
  2. Leadership in class and extra-curricular activities
  3. Service experience at school and throughout the community
  4. Honors and Awards
  5. Exemplification of the Rotary Four-Way Test:

Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


  • Applicant will pull application off the Dearborn Rotary website (, prepare the application, and mail the application with other requested documents to: Dearborn Rotary | Hugh Archer Scholarship
    P.O. Box 2347
    Dearborn, MI 48123
  • The Chair of the Hugh Archer Scholarship committee and two other appointed Rotarians act as the judging panel.
  • The winner will be notified by mail and e-mail; other applicants will be notified by e-mail only.
  • The winners must download and submit the “Scholarship Funds Request Form” found on the website under the “Scholarships” tab. Application specifies deadline for submitting form.
  • The winner will be invited to attend an evening Rotary Celebration Event in April/May to receive appropriate recognition.
  • Applications must be postmarked on or before February 5, 2024.
  • Application and enclosed documents will NOT be returned.


Click Here to download the Archer Scholarship Application


Pamela Adams Scholarship

Pamela Adams, a lifelong resident of Dearborn, dedicated her life to her family, education, and her community in Dearborn. Pamela believed that anyone could make a difference in their community, and held positions on the Dearborn School Board and the board for Henry Ford College for 18 years, and the Parent Teacher Association for decades….


Gerry Gostenik Sr. High Performance Scholarship for Vocational Studies


Gerry Gostenik Sr. High Performance Scholarship for Vocational Studies

The High Performance Scholarship for vocational studies is offered in honor of Gerry Gostenik Sr. Gerry was a Dearborn High School Alum, class of 1964. He taught Wood Shop and Auto Shop at Riverside and Dearborn High Schools, building a comprehensive curriculum and a hands on learning workshop. He believed in educational excellence in skilled…

Robert Cipriano Scholarship


Robert Cipriano Scholarship

This scholarship was established in honor of a dear friend of our school district – Mr. Robert Cipriano. Athletics was always a vital component in a child’s educational experience and this fund was established to keep that memory alive in the minds of our students. Taking the top student who exemplifies this in their life…

Norman Hammoud Scholarship


Norman Hammoud Scholarship

Norman Hammoud Scholarship This scholarship fund was created in honor of Norman Hammound, a former teacher and student of the Dearborn Public Schools. Mr. Hammoud was an all star football player at Fordson High School and went on to win two MAC championships at Bowling Green State University. Football helped play an important role in shaping…


100 renewable scholarships of $5,000 for 4 years (totaling $20,000) and 100 $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors across the country. In addition, the winning students select a teacher to receive a $500 gift card for making an impact on their lives.

Top 5 Places to Find Scholarships:

  1.  The College You Plan to Attend – use college websites to find merit based and/or need based scholarships
  2.  High School – this website, check weekly
  3. Community Organizations – i.e. Elks, Boy Scouts, church, 4H, etc
  4. Employers – yours or your parents may offer scholarship opportunities
  5. FREE Online Scholarship Searches – links above for FASTWEB and Career Cruising

LendEDU  helps students, graduates, and parents learn the ins and outs of paying for college and managing, saving, and growing money.

Strategies for Students Too Rich for Financial Aid and Too Poor for College

Winning a Scholarship – Best Practices

 Contact MI Student Aid at 1-888-4-GRANTS (888-447-2687)
to help you with your scholarship search


 access the School Marketing Toolkit, which includes:

  • a printable PDF flyer
  • a selection timeline
  • sample social media posts
  • photos and videos to use in your posts
  • The 2022-23 application is open to high school seniors until 5 p.m. Eastern on October 31, 2022.

See program details and last year’s Coke Scholars.


Money For College You Don’t Have To Pay Back