Advanced Placement Classes

You will find links to the AP contract, as well as AP summer work and other important information regarding AP classes here. All AP classes are a year-long commitment and cannot be dropped mid-year.


Please email Ms. Kostovski with any questions you have.

AP Summer Work 2024

AP Art

AP Biology

Students can find their summer work for AP Bio on ilearn. The enrollment key is zsnb6n. Students are to print the worksheets and complete the reading assignments. Answers must be handwritten in a clear handwriting and in complete sentences. Assignment is due on the first day of school. No exceptions. Enjoy your summer break everyone and hope to see you next year.

AP Calculus AB (FHS):

AP Chemistry:

Use the link below to access all the resources you need to complete the AP chemistry summer homework.

AP Economics (MBCC):

Students should also check their school email weekly.

AP Lang: 

AP Physics:

AP Precalculus

AP Psychology: Please join Ms. Ayoub’s Remind for all summer work info.

AP US History: Please join Ms. Ayoub’s Remind for all summer work info.

AP Exam Ordering

Step 1: Review AP Exam Calendar

Please be aware of the exam schedule. There may be days when you will be testing in the morning and afternoon for 2 tests. There is an additional fee of $40 to sign up for the late exam.

Week 1Morning 8 a.m.
Local Time
Afternoon 12 p.m.
Local Time
May 6, 2024
United States Government and PoliticsArt History
May 7, 2024
Human Geography
May 8, 2024
English Literature and CompositionComparative Government and Politics
Computer Science A
May 9, 2024
Chinese Language and Culture
Environmental Science
May 10, 2024
European History
United States History
Spanish Literature and Culture
Art and Design: Friday, May 10, 2024 (8 p.m. ET), is the deadline for AP Art and Design students to submit their three portfolio components as final in the AP Digital Portfolio.
Week 2Morning 8 a.m.
Local Time
Afternoon 12 p.m.
Local Time
Afternoon 2 p.m.
Local Time
May 13, 2024
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Italian Language and Culture
May 14, 2024
English Language and CompositionAfrican American Studies
Physics C: Mechanics
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
May 15, 2024
French Language and Culture
World History: Modern
Computer Science Principles
Music Theory
May 16, 2024
Spanish Language and CultureBiology
Japanese Language and Culture
May 17, 2024
German Language and Culture
Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Physics 2: Algebra-Based
Late Testing DatesMorning 8 a.m.
Local Time
Afternoon 12 p.m.
Local Time
May 22, 2024
Computer Science A
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
United States History
English Literature and Composition
Environmental Science
Japanese Language and Culture
Physics C: Mechanics
May 23, 2024
Chinese Language and Culture
Computer Science Principles
English Language and Composition
Human Geography
Spanish Literature and Culture
Art History
European History
French Language and Culture
Physics 1: Algebra-Based
May 24, 2024
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
German Language and Culture
Music Theory
Spanish Language and Culture
African American Studies
Comparative Government and Politics
Italian Language and Culture
Physics 2: Algebra-Based
United States Government and Politics
World History: Modern

Step 2: Join Your Teacher’s AP Classroom

You must join AP classroom with the AP Code provided by your AP Teacher.  The College Board will not allow me to order an exam unless you have joined. 

 Attached are codes by teacher and hour.  Please do this before you proceed. 

The directions for how to join are also attached. 

If you already joined you can move to the next step.

 AP SEMINAR AND AP RESEARCH- You must join exam only class code: (this is in addition to your teacher’s code)

Course NameSection NameTeacher Name(s)Active Join Code
AP Biology4th Hour BarnettNathan Barnett2623AL
AP Biology5th Hour BarnettNathan Barnett9QYP77
AP Biology6th Hour BarnettNathan BarnettY67PDN
AP BiologyAP Bio 23-24Abeer Fahs7XYWG3
AP Calculus ABAP Calc 1st hourWissam KonstantinidisRLALGL
AP Calculus ABAP Calc 2bd hourWissam KonstantinidisZAMZRL
AP Chemistry3rd hr AP ChemAli BeydounQ99PWV
AP Computer Science AFHS_APCSA_02Kimberly ShawverEG39XR
AP Computer Science PrinciplesFHS_APCSP_06Kimberly ShawverXAZZNP
AP Computer Science PrinciplesFHS_APCSP_05Kimberly ShawverLA22P6
AP Computer Science PrinciplesFHS_APCSP_04Kimberly ShawverYEA7QN
AP Computer Science Principles3rd Hour AP CSPPhilip McmullenMJENZ6
AP DrawingAP Drawing – CurtisLeslie Curtis-SmithJY76ZL
AP English Language and Composition2023-24 2nd HourStephen SharbatzENDNQL
AP English Language and Composition12th grade AP LangKerry Howell24QJXE
AP English Language and Composition1st HourZeinab ChamiLEW6EN
AP English Language and Composition5th HourZeinab Chami2NG429
AP English Language and CompositionRuth 3rd hourPaul RuthPLDY7V
AP English Language and CompositionRuth 4th hourPaul RuthXXMVX9
AP English Language and CompositionRuth 6th hourPaul RuthVZL333
AP English Literature and Composition2nd HourZeinab Chami22LM3W
AP English Literature and Composition3rd HourZeinab ChamiWAG9RX
AP English Literature and Composition4th HourZeinab Chami66VW7A
AP Environmental ScienceFirstMohamed Ali SabraG4QP46
AP Environmental ScienceSecondMohamed Ali SabraMRZP2X
AP Human Geography1st HourJason RiveraDAQ4QY
AP Human Geography3rd HourJason RiveraQXXDLM
AP Human Geography6th HourJason RiveraYAPN2X
AP MacroeconomicsMacro FordsonAllan FarhoudRYQL6Z
AP MicroeconomicsMicro FordsonAllan FarhoudP6ZX7L
AP Physics 11st hour FHS APP1Eric SingleyNY6GZM
AP Physics 12nd hour FHS APP1Eric SingleyNY27WJ
AP Physics 13rd hour FHS APP1Eric SingleyXV2QV9
AP PrecalculusAP Pre Calc 4th hourWissam Konstantinidis9Q76NL
AP PrecalculusAP Pre Calc 5th hourWissam KonstantinidisYE9MR4
AP PrecalculusAP Pre Calc 3rd hourWissam Konstantinidis3QMYZP
AP PrecalculusFHS APPFatme KhanaferEG7G4P
AP PrecalculusFHSSali YaldoEL444J
AP Precalculus2nd hour: FHSSali YaldoXRLMJ7
AP Precalculus1st HourSahar SaadEM6DVD
AP Precalculus4th HourSahar SaadMAZ69Z
AP PsychologyAP Psych First HourSanaa AyoubYDPJLV
AP PsychologyAP Psych Second HourSanaa AyoubJ6279J
AP PsychologyAP Psych Fourth HourSanaa AyoubJMVD7P
AP ResearchGorsline 1st hourZW2E9Q
AP SeminarThorsby AP SeminarRichard ThorsbyYY46N3
AP SeminarGorsline 4th hourLYP7ZD
AP SeminarGorsline 5th3WL3AR
AP SeminarGorsline 6th hourYML6XJ
AP StatisticsAP Stats 1st HourSuzanne MouhannaD7Z3D4
AP StatisticsAP Stats 2nd HourSuzanne MouhannaWNNGZZ
AP StatisticsFHS Gorsline 3rd HrJennifer GorslineXLMV2R
AP United States Government and PoliticsHarrison3rdHourEva HarrisonM32DYJ
AP United States Government and PoliticsHarrison4thhourEva HarrisonEXXWVZ
AP United States HistoryAPUSH Third HourSanaa AyoubJDPM6E
AP United States HistoryAPUSH Sixth HourSanaa AyoubQ2AWQ9
Pre-AP English 2P.2Julia LoveallYZVAZP
Pre-AP English 2P.3Julia LoveallJ7REEW
Pre-AP English 2P.4Julia LoveallRG44M2
Pre-AP English 2P.5Julia Loveall46DMAP
Pre-AP English 2P.6Julia LoveallDJDLAA
Pre-AP English 2Pompa H ELAPeter PompaRPDY96

Step 3: AP Exam Pricing

The price is $80.00 for a full price exam and $40.00 for a reduced price exam.  AP Seminar and AP Research costs more – $135.00 for a  full pay exam and $100.00 for a reduced pay. The criteria for eligibility for a reduced exam is based on dependents and adjusted gross income. This is located on your parents’ 1040 form from their tax returns. The College Board does not use free and reduced lunch for criteria. Once you have located this information, take a marker or white out and block the social security numbers. You will have to upload a picture of the 1040 form in the next step. If you don’t have 2022 tax returns you can use 2021 tax returns. Attached is an example of a 1040 so you can see what it looks like.

Size of Family UnitAnnual Family Income* for 48 Contiguous States, Washington, D.C., Guam, and U.S. TerritoriesAnnual Family Income* for AlaskaAnnual Family Income* for Hawaii
For each additional family member, add:$9,509$11,896$10,934
* The figures shown under annual family income represent amounts equal to 185% of the 2023 federal income poverty guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These levels were published by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service in the Federal Register, Vol. 88, No. 27, 2/9/23, pp. 8397-8400. These Income Eligibility Guidelines are effective from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.

Step 4: Fill out the Jotform.

To order an AP Exam for 2024 you must fill out the jotform Please fill it out carefully.  You have from Oct. 23rd – Nov. 3rd. Please make sure to pay by credit card after you fill out the google form.  You must fill out the form  AND go to Parent Connect and pay.  If you fill out the form and you don’t pay, an exam will NOT be ordered for you.  If paying by credit card is not an option, then you can pay in person before Fri., Nov. 3rd. The form must be completed before you come to pay by cash.  Any exam ordered after this date will be charged a $40.00 later fee.

*No refunds will be given for exams.

Step 5: Pay by Credit Card in Parent Connect

AP Exam Full Pay (Amount: $80.00)

AP Exam Reduced Pay (Amount: $40.00)

AP Seminar Full Pay (Amount: $135.00)

AP Seminar Reduced Pay  (Amount: $100.00)

AP Research Full Pay  (Amount: $135.00)

AP Research Reduced Pay  (Amount: $100.00)

**If you are a Fordson and a DCMST student, you must click in ParentConnect on the Fordson track and not the DCMST track to find the online payment.

AP Exam Payment – Cash

If you are paying with cash, please bring it to Ms. Kostovski in the counseling office in an envelope. Your envelope should include the exact amount, as well as the following info written on the outside of the envelope:


Student ID


Full Pay/Reduced

Total Amount

You MUST complete the jot form before paying cash to Ms. Kostovski.

AP Teacher Contact Info

AP Contract

AP Chemistry

AP Environmental Science–SVefS965u1zNJB/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114317912120592797691&rtpof=true&sd=true

AP Physics 1

AP Biology

Summer work is posted on ilearn under Advanced Placement Biology. The enrollment key is: zsnb6n.

AP U.S. History

Remind Code: @apush2024

Watch the following video focusing on Period 1.  There will be an exam on the information the first full week of school.

All Period 1 review videos are recommended for further review

AP Psychology

Remind Code: @f9ba4b

Watch the following video focusing on Unit 1.  There will be an exam on the information the first full week of school.

All Unit1 review videos are recommended for further review

AP US Government

No summer work.

AP English Literature

No summer work.

AP Seminar

No summer work.

AP Human Geography

AP Statistics

No summer work.

AP Precalculus

No summer work.

AP English Language and Composition

No summer work.