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Give Your Top Scholar-Athletes the Chance to Win up to a $10,000 ScholarshipLearn More and Refer Your Seniors Today!
The Heisman High School Scholarship is proud to continue its 29-year tradition of honoring the nation’s most esteemed high school seniors and supporting high school academic and athletic programs across the country. The program recognizes and rewards male and female high school seniors who accomplish tremendous feats in the classroom, on the field, and most importantly, within their communities.

Winners from every school and scholarships from $1,000 to $10,000.The Heisman Trophy Trust is proud to reward community-minded scholar-athletes at the state and national level.School Winners from every school100 State Winners receive a $1,000 scholarship12 National Finalists receive a $2,000 scholarship2 National Winners receive a $10,000 scholarship

Give your top seniors a chance to win.Winning a Heisman High School Scholarship requires a weighted GPA of 3.0 or better, participation in at least one sport, and demonstrated leadership at school and in the community. You have students who have worked hard for years to make the grade. Here’s how you can help them get the recognition they deserve:Refer your students today.Send seniors to to apply before the October 17, 2023 deadline.Promote the program at your school using the materials provided here.

Refer Your Community-Minded Scholar-Athletes Today!
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CoCa-Cola Scholarship

2024 Coke Scholars app open Aug 1-Oct 2, 2023!  |  Read this in your browser.Getting ready for the
2024 Coke Scholars application!
As summer breaks begin to draw to a close, we write to remind you that the 2024 application for the Coca-Cola Scholarship (open to high school students who will graduate during the 2023-2024 academic year) will be available from our website August 1 through October 2, 2023Note that we have an earlier deadline this year! Please plan to share this opportunity with your graduating students who are having a significant positive impact in your school and community through their leadership and service.
Click here to view program details and a listing of the 2023 Coke Scholars.Enjoy your final days of summer break!– The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation TeamHome | Privacy Policy | Email PreferencesCoca-Cola Scholars Foundation
P.O. Box 442, Atlanta, GA 30301 | #CokeScholars

Health Career Day

Corewell Health (former Beaumont) is hosting a Career Day at Salina Intermediate in the new gym. They will be bringing along representatives from many health career fields such as patient safety, security, nursing, the radiology department, trauma/surgery, laboratory, and infection control. Not only will the students have an opportunity to learn about these careers in the healthcare industry, but they can also apply for summer internships, part-time, and even full time jobs (assuming you are old enough to work).  It’s never too early to start thinking about careers and getting some experience! Please see the attached flyer. 

PUGH Scholarship

Pugh Scholarship Eligibility/ Guidelines

The Pugh Scholarship is awarded to those individuals or family members of someone
who is impacted by organ, eye or tissue donation. The scholarship encompasses organ,
eye and tissue donation and their immediate family members. We recognize individuals
based on achievement, leadership and community service.
This $2,500 scholarship is awarded to one individual that has immediately been touched
by organ, eye or tissue donation either directly or indirectly. The scholarship will be
open to high school seniors and current college students.
Distribution and Funding
The scholarship funding will be made directly to the recipient’s college or university.
The applicant must provide evidence of current enrollment to the college or university
prior to receiving the reward. If evidence is not provided, the scholarship will be
forfeited and will go to the next applicant.
Eligibility Requirement
● Applicant must be an organ recipient or transplant candidate, or family member
of someone who is directly impacted by organ, cornea or tissue donation.
● Applicant must reside in the State of Michigan
● Applicant must be planning to attend an accredited, degree-granting, Two or
Four Year College, university or vocational/technical school no later than Fall of
● Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or more
● Financial need will not be a consideration
All applications must be submitted by email to by
June 1, 2023. The winner will be announced on June 14, 2023 and expected to attend
our Annual Golf Outing in August to receive a check.
Application Process
Along with the completed application the applicants must submit the following
● A typed explanation of your goal/purpose for obtaining this scholarship, and ‘how
donation/transplantation has influenced your life, what will you do to promote
organ, eye and tissue donation awareness, with a description of community
service completed.
● One letter of recommendation
● A copy of the most current recent transcript from your high school.

● Funding for this program is provided by Second Chance at Life Inc, The
application can also be found at

Career Fair

Wayne Resa’s Backpack to Briefcases Career Connections Fair

Still undecided? Connect with employers, colleges, short-term training programs and apprenticeships at the upcoming Career Connections Fair in Wayne, Michigan on Friday, May 12th. Please see the attached flyer for additional information. Feel free to reach out to our career counselor, Danielle Bean Jackson at 734-431-0860 with any questions. Please use the QRCode to register or the link here.


Danielle Bean Jackson, MA, LPC