Congratulations to everyone who participated in the DECA District 8 Competition.

Hussien Baydoun  Entrepreneurship – Overall Event Medal – Advances to State Competition
Mariam Dabaja  Marketing Communications – Overall Event Medal – Advances to State Competition
Miryim Hanek Business Finance – Overall Event Medal – Advances to State Competition
Kazem Darwiche – Automotive Service Marketing – Overall Medal – Advances to State Competition
Zeinab Radi -Principles of Finance – Overall Medal – Advances to State Competition
Alexa Monroy Apparel & Accessories  – Presentation Medal
Ryan Schafranek Marketing Management Team Decision Making –  Presentation Medal
Julian Hernandez – Marketing Management Team Decision Making –  Presentation Medal
Donald Gardner – Sports Marketing Individual Competition
Muhammed Alkhafaji – Sports Marketing Individual Competition
Rutha Muaalla – Marketing Principles Individual Competition
Boshra Elmadari – Marketing Principles Individual Competition


DECA Regional Competition 12/20/17

Arrive at  MBCC before 7:45 am on 12/20/17

We will arrive at Baker College in Allen Park @ 8:30 am

We will return to MBCC at 2:00 pm

Students are asked to bring pencils and non-programmable calculators.

You cannot use the calculator function on your cellphone, smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch. Using any of these electronic devices during prep time, waiting for the judges or during competition will result in disqualification. You also cannot bring any notes/notebooks, workbooks or handouts with you into your prep time or competition.

CELL Phones

Cell phones are not to be out or used during the competition.  Violators and their teams will receive point deduction penalties.


DECA Competition Tips and Tricks

DECA Competition Team Role Play 101

Role Play Basics + Tips | TWHS DECA

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Field Trip Information

DECA at Michael Berry Career Center would like to invite all student who are currently active members in CTSO’s (Career and Technical Student Organizations) to attend:




NOVEMBER 29, 2017


School Appropriate Attire

$10 fee for a school subsidized game ticket

Informational Flyer

Please Complete the Registration Form Below

Registration Form

Mandatory Meeting for All Attending in C200F  on 11/08/17:

7:25 am  for morning students

11:05 am for afternoon students

Turn in Completed Permission Slips and Money at the Meeting

Pistons Field Trip Permission slip.doc

Discuss the Event and your Responsibilities