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State Career Development Conference
Dearborn Public Schools
Arrive at MBCC before 7:45 am on 12/20/17
We will arrive at Baker College in Allen Park @ 8:30 am
We will return to MBCC at 2:00 pm
Students are asked to bring pencils and non-programmable calculators.
You cannot use the calculator function on your cellphone, smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch. Using any of these electronic devices during prep time, waiting for the judges or during competition will result in disqualification. You also cannot bring any notes/notebooks, workbooks or handouts with you into your prep time or competition.
CELL Phones
Cell phones are not to be out or used during the competition. Violators and their teams will receive point deduction penalties.
DECA Competition Tips and Tricks
DECA Competition Team Role Play 101
Role Play Basics + Tips | TWHS DECA
Pistons Field Trip Permission slip.doc