Written Events Prep

Written Events

Advertising Campaign

The purpose of the Advertising Campaign Event is to provide an opportunity for participants to prepare an advertising campaign for a real product, service, company or business and to present the campaign to a prospective client/advertiser.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download

Practice Exam: Download


Business Services Operation Research Event

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities.  Buying and Merchandising includes retail and wholesale businesses that provide consumer goods.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Buying and Merchandising Operation Research

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities. Buying and Merchandising includes retail and wholesale businesses that provide consumer goods.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Community Service Project

The Community Service Project provides an opportunity for chapter members to develop a better understanding of the role civic activities have in society, to make a contribution to a community service or charity, and to learn and apply the principles of the numerous components of marketing management. Chapter members demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary in planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating a community service project.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Creative Marketing Project

The Creative Marketing Project is a research study in the marketing field, planned, conducted and reported by a DECA chapter, the use of which will measurably improve the marketing activities of an individual company, a group of companies (such as a shopping mall), an organization, a club or the business community.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan

The Innovation Plan Event involves the idea generation and opportunity recognition needed to take advantage of market opportunities to introduce a new business, product or service. Any type of business, product or service may be used.


2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download


Entrepreneurship Written Event

The Independent Business Plan Event involves the development of a comprehensive proposal to start a new business. Any type of business may be used.


2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Entrepreneurship Promotion Project

The Entrepreneurship Promotion Project is a chapter project that develops the economic and marketing knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a global economy. After learning the economic principles associated with entrepreneurship, chapter members will utilize their marketing knowledge and skills to communicate the benefits of entrepreneurship to others.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan

The Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan provides the participant(s) with the opportunity to develop a seasonal sales promotion plan, using apparel and accessory items only, for a retail store.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Financial Literacy Promotion Project

The Financial Literacy Promotion Project is a chapter project that develops the economic and marketing knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a global economy. After learning the economic principles associated with financial literacy, chapter members will utilize their marketing knowledge and skills to communicate the benefits of financial literacy to others.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Finance Operations Research Event

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities. Finance includes banks, credit unions, accounting, investments and other financial businesses.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Franchise Business Plan Event

The purpose of the Franchise Business Plan Event is designed for participants to present a comprehensive business plan proposal to buy into an existing franchise. The participant seeks to become a franchisee. The Franchise Business Plan Event includes the development and presentation of various aspects of a plan to form a business. The event provides an opportunity for a participant to develop and demonstrate mastery of essential knowledge and skills as they apply to the analysis of a business opportunity, the development of a marketing/promotion plan and the development of
a financial plan.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities. Hospitality and Tourism includes hotels, restaurants and tourism-related businesses.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Independent Business Plan

The Independent Business Plan Event involves the development of a comprehensive proposal to start a new business. Any type of business may be used.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


International Business Plan Event

The International Business Plan Event involves the development of a proposal to start a new business venture in an international setting. Any type of business may be used.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Learn and Earn Project

DECA’s Chapter Team Events provide opportunities to engage chapter members in large-scale school and/or community activities.  Chapters plan, implement, and evaluate activities to make a positive impact in their schools and communities. The Learn and Earn Project applies entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to a single sales/service activity to be run as a real business venture. In a sense, the project is a chapter entrepreneurship project.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Public Relations Project

The purpose of the Public Relations Project is to provide an opportunity for the chapter members to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed in planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating a single public relations campaign conducted by the chapter. The campaign may focus on any topic or subject of interest to the chapter.



2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan

The Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan provides the participant(s) with the opportunity to develop a seasonal sales promotion plan for a sports and/or entertainment company.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2015 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download


Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research Event

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities. Sports and Entertainment Marketing includes businesses that conduct sporting and/or entertainment events.


2016 Winning Paper: Download

2014 Winning Paper: Download

2013 Winning Paper: Download

2012 Winning Paper: Download