SWCRC Gordie Howe Bridge Business Forum 10/24/2022






















Student Loans & Financial Freedom

September 15, 6:30 pm

There’s a lot to take in when it comes to student loans. Whether you’re getting ready to start your college career, currently enrolled, or a graduate paying on your student loans now, our newest seminar will provide you with the information you need to make informed financial decisions. A college degree can dramatically influence your earning potential – but if you’ll be financing it with a student loan, don’t go in blind. Make sure you understand the impact it can have on your financial future. Topics explained:

  • The difference between good and bad debt
  • Learn about the different public and private programs
  • The impact student loans can have on your financial future
  • Loan repayment options and scenarios
  • Practical steps to paying off student debt



DECA 2020 State Information

State Conference General Information

State Conference Number Allowed Per Event & Bulletin Board Sign-Up Sheets



Orlando, FL



Easter Party for EFHS Special Needs at MBCC





Personal Finance Challenge


Federal Reserve Chicago – Detroit Branch

April 15, 2019


















Forget the trip to Disney World — unless you have savings for emergencies

Students in Detroit look at the finances of a fictional family with thousands in credit card debt and other challenges. Should they go to Disney?



Accounting Career Awareness Program (ACAP)


Masco HQ’s Treasury Manager, Chris Leslie, is involved with the Accounting Career Awareness Program (ACAP), an initiative spearheaded by the National Association of Black Accountants. This one-week residency program with a special focus on minority students connects high schoolers (grades 9-12) who are interested in pursuing academic studies in Accounting, Finance or a business related field. Among other things, the program helps the students network; gives them exposure to different industries, corporate environments, and college life; develops their leadership, presentation, and interviewing skills; and connects them with mentoring, scholarship, and internship opportunities. The program is FREE to students, and 30 applicants are accepted each year.

The 2019 program will run July 14-19 at Wayne State University, and I wanted to make sure any potentially interested students have access to this opportunity. Please feel free to distribute the information to relevant principals, teachers or counselors in your district as you see fit, and to reach out to myself or Chris Leslie (cc’d above) with any further questions.

2019 ACAP Application


Michael Berry Career Center

Financial Reality Fair


Sponsored by:   Member Focus Credit Union, Catholic Vantage Financial, Parkside Credit Union , and Michigan Legacy Credit Union.

DECA State Career Development Conference

Detroit, Michigan

March 8-10, 2019

Congratulations State Qualifiers on Advancing to the International Competition in Orlando, FL:

Riley Ketvirtis – Personal Selling

Mariam Dabaja – Bronze, Silver, & Gold Merit Award




MICPA Leadership & Diversity Conference

Wayne State University


Congratulations Riley Ketvirtis (first left), with students from other schools across Wayne County, being awarded a $2,000.00 scholarship from the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants




Under Construction:

Rock Ventures Tour of Detroit

Detroit’s Central Business District



DECA District 8 Competition

Baker College



Congratulations to:

Mariam Dabaja – Communications & Merit Award

Riley Ketvirtis – Personal Selling

Alexa Monroy – Fashion Marketing

Zainab Radi – Business Service Marketing

Moshen Mohamed – Automotive Sales Marketing Exam


DECA Central Regional Leadership Conference

Marriott Hotel Detroit Renaissance Center

November 16 – 18, 2018




Halloween Party for EFHS Special Needs at MBCC






11/02/17 DECA at Children’s Hospital -Detroit

Delivered coloring books and crayons to children at the Hospital.


2017 Gimme 5 Award


2017 DECA Pumpkin Contest Entries




10/29/17 Halloween Hospital Visit

Michael Berry Career Center DECA and HOSA collaborated to bring treats and spirit to those children hospitalized at Beaumont-Dearborn and St. Joseph Mercy – Pontiac during Halloween.