The KPMG Future Leaders Program
The KPMG Future Leaders Program annually awards twenty-two top female high school seniors with significant financial need, the opportunity to accelerate their personal growth through college scholarships, leadership development, mentorship, and an introduction to golf. Funded by proceeds from the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship and KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit, the program’s focus is to empower and advance these promising leaders of tomorrow.
Stossel Essay & Video Contest
Essay and Video Contest: Each year, Stossel in the Classroom hosts an essay and video contest that encourages students (ages 12 – 18) from across the country to think critically about the effects of economics and government policies.
Deadline to submit essays: Mar?
Deadline to submit videos: Mar?
Prizes include:
- 1st place – $2,500, plus an all-expense paid trip to New York City and lunch with John Stossel*
- 2nd place – $1,000
- Top 10 finalists – $200 each
- Top 25 semifinalists –- $100 each
- Top 50 honorable mentions – $50 each**
DECA’s Online Scholarship Portal
All applications must be submitted by January .
EVERFI Student Scholarship Application for US Students

Business Ethics Essay Contest for high school students
The goal of the PRIME Center’s Business Ethics essay competition is for future business students to contemplate ethical problems that accompany modern business practices and clearly articulate potential solutions. Winners receive cash prizes as well as college scholarships. See contest rules.
5th Third Scholarship Contest
ENTER CONTEST Fifth Third will award twenty-eight accomplished students across the country with a $2,500 529 College Savings Gift Card via our scholarship contest.
Community Choice Foundation
Scholarship Applications Now Available!
The Community Choice Foundation embodies the credit union philosophy of people helping people. We have expanded our program to offer three different scholarships to students. With this broad range of educational opportunities, Community Choice supports Michigan students with whatever path they choose in life.
Recipients will be selected for their accomplishments in the classroom, community, and for their excellence in various educational categories. Recipients will also be celebrated at 10 regional ceremonies across the country: Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Northern CA, Phoenix, Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C. (eligible students should apply in the region nearest to their area of residence).
The deadline to apply is Tuesday, October 15th. Students can apply at
For more information, please visit: To download the flyer if it does not appear below to print and share, click here:, or reply to my message with a flyer request.
Wharton School
Competitions and Programs
Students, share how BB&T Financial Foundations impacted you for the chance to win a scholarship up to $500. To be eligible, students must have completed at least three modules of the BB&T Financial Foundations Program.
The BB&T Financial Foundations Program, powered by EverFi (opens in a new tab),
After completing at least THREE of the BB&T Financial Foundations modules, submit a short blog post (300 words or less) that answers ONE of the following questions:
- How has the BB&T Financial Foundations Program had a personal impact on your life and the decisions that you will make moving forward? Tell us one way that the program has changed your attitude or behavior.
- What are your future goals (college, travel, volunteering, pursuing your dream job)? How has the BB&T Financial Foundations Program helped prepare you to achieve these goals? Be specific.
- Tell us about a mistake that you, or someone you know, has made that connects with what you learned from the BB&T Financial Foundations Program. How would you change your actions based on what you now know after completing the program?
EVERFI Spring Scholarship Contest!
Six US students will be awarded $1,000 529 College Savings Scholarships to help pay for their post-secondary education. In order to participate, students must have earned certification (completed all lessons) in an EVERFI course and submit their entry below. Good luck!
The Spring Scholarship Contest will be open until 5pm ET on ???. Winners will be announced on the EVERFI blog and K-12 Facebook page (their teachers will be notified beforehand).
Students Apply Here
DECA Scholarship
AAWBC is currently accepting scholarships!
Scholarship Criteria
The Arab American Women’s Business Council (AAWBC) wishes to foster the growth and academic achievement of Arab American Women. The AAWBC established a scholarship fund to provide educational opportunities to females of Arab descent in the state of Michigan and going to attend a school in Michigan. $1000 scholarships will be awarded in at the discretion of the AAWBC Scholarship committee.
Winners will be announced at the AAWBC Annual Breakfast Event.
Applicants must print the application, fill it out, then send the completed application with additional information to:
Yvonna Abraham, Chair
AAWBC Head Office
22952 Outer Drive
Dearborn, MI 48124
Scholarship Forms and Downloads
ECA offers its members over $300,000 in scholarships every single year, and the best part- you do not even need to be a senior to apply to most of the scholarships! This means that if you start applying and winning our DECA scholarships during your sophomore and junior years, you will already have a good amount of cash saved up even before your senior year of high school!
Oh and by the way, Collegiate DECA members, we did not forget about you! DECA has scholarships open to college students as well.
Now you are probably so excited and just want the money already. Right? Well here is some important information you should know:
How do I apply?
Go to to apply.
Can I apply to more than one?
You sure can!
How are the winners chosen?
DECA scholarships are merit-based and are chosen by your qualifications provided in the application.
If I have more questions where do I go?
You can read the DECA Scholarship FAQ’s page her
Ball State University
The Miller Scholarship, awarded to up to 15 freshmen annually, offers:
- Full tuition and fees (renewable for up to eight total semesters)
- Laptop computer
- Study abroad funding
- Internship stipend
- Automatic admission to the Miller Business Honors Program (