Welcome back students! I am so excited to see some familiar faces and to meet the new incoming 6th graders!
The first day back is Tuesday September 6th. This is a half day and the students will be dismissed at 11:05.
Sunday, September 11th:
There is no school tomorrow, Happy Eid to those who celebrate!
There is an Open House at Stout Wednesday, September 14th. Hope to see you all there!
There are Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday 10/24/16 and Wednesday 10/26/16 from 4-6pm. Hope to see you all there!
Ms. Poloni and I are also taking the students on a field trip on Friday 10/28/16 to the Detroit Science Center. We are very excited to go! Make sure your child’s permission slip is turned in before then to ensure they can go!
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