In 5th Grade art class, we explored both representational and animated portraits. We compared and contrasted characteristics artists use in each and practiced constructing faces with realistic proportions and placement as well as faces with imagined proportions and placement. Students each created two portraits of themselves in the two styles. The detail of the representational art and the imagination in the animated art is impressive! Wonderful work 5th grade!
4th Grade – Chihuly Inspired Hanging Sculptures
5th Grade Art – Expressionist Portraits in Ceramics
4th Grade – Printmaking, Figures in Motion
In 4th Grade art, students discussed ways to show action or motion in a figure in art. Students selected one action and, using sticky back foam on cardboard, created a stamp of their figure. Students, then, used white ink on black paper to create multiple prints of their stamp, further emphasizing the movement depicted. At the end, they added color and designs with construction crayons to give a little more energy to the images! Great job ALL 4th grade!
3rd Grade – Recycled/ Mixed Media “Houses” inspired by artist Tyree Guyton of the Heidelberg Project
In 3rd Grade art, we read “Magic Trash”, a short story about the artist Tyree Guyton – his childhood and how he came to be the creator of the Heidelberg project in East side Detroit. Students discussed various reasons artists might use recycled materials to create and how art can build, and rebuild, communities. Now, we are in the process of building and painting our own recycled material ‘houses’. We have so many innovative ideas for our mixed media artworks, I can’t wait to display them all!
A shout out of THANKS to Arts N’ Scraps, Detroit, for providing a wealth of recycled, repurposed materials to work with in our art. A second big THANK YOU to the William Ford lunch and kitchen staff for recycling and collecting chip boards for students to paint and build on.
Kindergarten & Young 5’s – Block Printing
In art class, K and Y5’s explored the magic of printmaking by stamping square blocks of various sizes in tempera paint to construct a design (a castle is featured in the photo above). They then stamped with small cotton swabs to add dots and stripes of detail. Students were also introduced to the idea of using contrasting colors to make their designs really stand out! We had lots of fun!
Dotted Paintings – with Ms. Deboer’s class!
2nd Grade – Texture Rubbing Houses
In 2nd Grade Art students created an imaginary “house” of any kind from a variety of shapes. Students divided the house into some sections using horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines. Then students filled all the sections of their house with rubbed textures – completed by placing a textured surface under paper and rubbing over it with a wide crayon. So many creative places to live! Great job!
3rd Grade Architexture Drawings
In 3rd grade art students were challenged to design three buildings, each with its own unique patterns and textures. Many of the designs and textures also reflect the purpose or theme of the building. At the end each student created a background scene in which to cut and glue their buildings, creating depth with overlapping and scale. Artworks were completed with colored pencils – allowing for both stunning color and detail! Beautiful art 3rd grade!